Method ITcPostCyclic:PostCyclicUpdate

The PostCyclicUpdate method normally called by a TwinCAT Task after the output update, after the interface has been logged in.


HRESULT TCOMAPI PostCycleUpdate(ITcTask* ipTask, ITcUnknown* ipCaller, ULONG_PTR context)


ipTask: (type: ITcTask) refers to the current task context.

ipCaller: (type: ITcUnknown) refers to the calling instance.

Context: (type: ULONG_PTR) context contains the value which has been passed to method ITcPostCyclicCaller::AddPostModule()

Return value

If successful, S_OK ("0") or another positive value will be returned, cf. Return values. Extended messages refer in particular to the column HRESULT in ADS Return Codes.

At present, the return value is ignored by the TwinCAT tasks.


Within a task cycle the method PostCycleUpdate() is called after OutputUpdate() has been for all registered module instances. Therefore, this method should be used to implement such cyclic processing.