Register page 0 (user parameters)
R32: Feature register 1
The feature register specifies the terminal's configuration.
Bit | R32.15 | R32.14 | R32.13 | R32.12 | R32.11 | R32.10 | R32.9 | R32.8 |
Name | enCounterMode | disEncFltr | enPosGateLock | enNegGateLock | FeedbackType | enSignalDisplay | enMultiLatchValues | enLatchEventClrPos |
Bit | R32.7 | R32.6 | R32.5 | R32.4 | R32.3 | R32.2 | R32.1 | R32.0 |
Name | enUserCurTable | invPosFeedback | RampType | OperationMode | disWdTimer | enAutoStop | enAutoStart |
Bit | Name | Description | default | ||
R32.15 | enCounterMode | 0bin | Encoder mode active | KL2541 only The KL2531 does not analyse these bits! | 0bin |
1bin | Counter mode active | ||||
R32.14 | disEncFltr | 1bin | Input filter for encoder signals disabled | 0bin | |
R32.13 | enPosGateLock | 1bin | A positive level at the latch/gate input locks the counter. | 0bin | |
R32.12 | enNegGateLock | 1bin | A negative level at the latch/gate input locks the counter. | 0bin | |
R32.11 | FeedbackType | 0bin | Use encoder for position feedback | 0bin | |
1bin | Use internal counter for position feedback | ||||
R32.10 | enSignalDisplay | 1bin | The C and gate signals are shown in the status word | 0bin | |
R32.9 | enMultiLatchValues | 0bin | Only one latch value is saved. | 0bin | |
1bin | Several latch values are saved. The number is specified in register R37. | ||||
R32.8 | enLatchEventClrPos | 1bin | Latch event deletes the current position (with the associated control bits) | 0bin | |
R32.7 | enUserCurTable | 0bin | Internal current table (sine) active | 0bin | |
1bin | User current table active | ||||
R32.6 | invPosFeedback | 1bin | Inverts the position feedback. | 0bin | |
R32.5 | RampType | 0bin | Linear ramps | 0bin | |
1bin | Exponential ramp during deceleration (only for path control) | ||||
R32.4 + R32.3 | OperationMode | 00bin | Velocity, direct | 00bin | |
01bin | Velocity, with ramps | ||||
10bin | Position tracking | ||||
11bin | Travel distance control | ||||
R32.2 | disWdTimer | 0bin | Watchdog timer is active (the watchdog is triggered if no process data are received for 100 ms) | 0bin | |
1bin | Watchdog timer disabled | ||||
R32.1 | enAutoStop | 1bin | The auto-stop function is enabled | 0bin | |
R32.0 | enAutoStart | 1bin | The auto-start function is enabled | 0bin |
R33: Full motor steps
Enter the number of full steps that the connected stepper motor requires for a complete turn (default: 200).
R34: Encoder increments (KL2541 only)
Enter the number of increments issued by the encoder connected to the KL2541 during a complete turn (default: 4000).
R35: Maximum coil current A
This register specifies the current limit for winding A (0 to 100 % of rated terminal current):
KL2531-0000: 100 % = 1.5 A
KL2541-0000: 100 % = 5.0 A
R36: Maximum coil current B
This register specifies the current limit for winding B (0 to 100 % of rated terminal current):
KL2531-0000: 100 % = 1.5 A
KL2541-0000: 100 % = 5.0 A
R37: Number of latch values
This register specifies the number of stored latch values (default: 20, max.: 20).
R38: Min. velocity vmin
This register specifies the maximum cutoff velocity for the operating modes velocity, with ramps and path control (default: 10, max.: 2047).
The maximum cutoff velocity is the maximum velocity from which the stepper motor can stop directly without step errors. It depends on the holding torque of the motor and mass rotating with its shaft.
R39: Max. velocity v max
This register specifies the maximum velocity for the operating modes velocity, with ramps and path control (default: 2047, max.: 2047).
R40: max. acceleration a acc
This register specifies the maximum acceleration for the operating modes velocity, with ramps and path control (default: 2047, max.: 2047).
R41: Acceleration threshold a th
This register specifies the acceleration threshold for the operating modes velocity, with ramps and path control (default: 2047, max.: 2047).
R42: Coil current, a > ath (in %)
This register specifies the coil current between 0 and 100 % of the set terminal coil current when a > ath (default: 100 %).
R43: Coil current, a ≤ ath (in %)
This register specifies the coil current between 0 and 100 % of the set terminal coil current when a ≤ ath (default: 100 %).
R44: Coil current, v = 0 (automatic) (in %)
This register specifies the automatic holding current (default: 50 %).
When the motor is at standstill, the coil currents are automatically reduced to this value, in order to prevent unnecessary heating of the motor. This value refers to the set coil current of the terminal.
R45: Coil current (manual) (in %)
This register specifies the manual holding current (default: 50 %).
If control bit CB.3 or CW.11 is set, the coil currents can be manually reduced to this value while the motor is at standstill or in motion, in order to avoid unnecessary heating of the motor. This value refers to the set coil current of the terminal. The automatically and manually reduced coil current values are not added! The manual value has a higher priority than the automatic value!
R46: Step size
This register specifies the number of steps for a quarter period.
Register value | 0x0006 | 0x0005 | 0x0004 | 0x0003 | 0x0002 | 0x0001 | 0x0000 |
Steps/quarter period | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
Step size | 1/64 | 1/32 | 1/16 | 1/8 | 1/4 | 1/2 (half step) | 1/1 (full step) |
R47: Load angle threshold
This register specifies the load angle threshold, at which the Stall Detect LED starts flashing and the status bit SB.5 is set (default: 7, max.: 7).
The load angle is a measure for the motor load. It is shown with values between 0 and 7, with 7 representing the maximum load. This value is strongly dependent on the set coil current and the current velocity. The most reliable information about the motor load can be gleaned at medium velocities.
R48: Kp factor
This register specifies the Kp factor for the TwinCAT NC cyclic position interface in position tracking mode (in preparation) (default: 8192, max.: 65535).
R49: Kv factor
This register specifies the Kv factor for the TwinCAT NC cyclic position interface in position tracking mode (in preparation) (default: 8192, max.: 65535).
R50: Emergency acceleration a e
This register specifies the emergency acceleration for path control mode (default: 2047, max.: 2047).
R51: Number of pulses per revolution
This register specifies the number of pulses per revolution for position error detection (default: 1).
R52: Feature register 2
The feature register 2 specifies further terminal configurations.
Bit | R52.15 | R52.14 | R52.13 | R52.12 | R52.11 | R52.10 | R52.9 | R52.8 |
Name | revDigInput2 | revDigInput1 | enManEnc Tolerance | enClrProcess Data | - | - | - | - |
Bit | R52.7 | R52.6 | R52.5 | R52.4 | R52.3 | R52.2 | R52.1 | R52.0 |
Name | - | - | disReferenceInput2 | disReference Input1 | ShowIdle | LatchRegister Position | enDecelaration Ramp | revHoming Direction |
Bit | Name | Description | default | ||
R52.15 | revDigInput2 | 0bin | Evaluate digital input 2 as N/O contact: | 0bin | |
1bin | Evaluate digital input 2 as N/C contact: | ||||
R52.14 | revDigInput1 | 0bin | Evaluate digital input 1 as N/O contact: | 0bin | |
1bin | Evaluate digital input 1 as N/C contact: | ||||
R52.13 | enManEnc tolerance (KL2541 only) | 0bin | The tolerance of the target position is formed from the quotient of registers R34 / R33 (position feedback with encoder). | The KL2531 does not analyse this bit! | 0bin |
1bin | The tolerance of the target position is specified in register R57 | ||||
R52.12 | enClrProcess data | 1bin | In the event of a watchdog error the input process data are set to zero. | 0bin | |
R52.7 - R52.11 | - | reserved | |||
R52.6 | enExtAutostart | 0bin | First target position = 0 | 0bin | |
1bin | First target position = register R62/R63 | ||||
R52.5 | disReferenceInput2 | 1bin | Digital input 2 disabled as reference input | 0bin | |
R52.4 | disReferenceInput1 | 1bin | Digital input 1 disabled as reference input | 0bin | |
R52.3 | ShowIdle | 1bin | Idle bit of status byte SB.4 enabled | 0bin | |
R52.2 | LatchRegisterPosition | 1bin | 0bin | ||
R52.1 | enDecelaration ramp | 0bin | The acceleration and deceleration ramps are specified in register R40. | 0bin | |
1bin | The acceleration ramp is specified in register R40. | ||||
R52.0 | revHoming direction | 0bin | approach the limit switch with negative velocity (Vref,f < 0), | 0bin | |
1bin | approach the limit switch with positive velocity (Vref,f > 0), |
R53: Referencing velocity backward v ref,b
For the referencing function (homing) this register specifies the velocity with which the terminal approaches the limit switch (default: 500, max.: 2047).
In this case backward means that the terminal controls the motor with falling position values.
R54: Referencing velocity forward v ref,f
For the referencing function (homing) this register specifies the velocity with which the terminal moves away from the limit switch (default: 50, max.: 2047).
In this case forward means that the terminal controls the motor with rising position values.
R55: Referencing position (low-order word)
Here you can specify the low-order word for the referencing position (default: 0, max.: 65535).
R56: Referencing position (high-order word)
Here you can specify the high-order word for the referencing position (default: 0, max.: 65535).
R57: Encoder tolerance (KL2541 only)
For position feedback via encoder, this register specifies the tolerance of the motion for the target approach, at which bit SW.3 is set (default: 0, max.: 65535).
R58: max. deceleration a dec
Here you can specify the maximum deceleration for the operating modes velocity, with ramps and path control (default: 0, max.: 2047).
R62: Setting the target position or position (low-order word) for extended auto-start
Here you can specify the low-order word for the required position (maximum: 65535).
Without code word this value is written into the RAM, with code word written into the EEPROM.
R63: Setting the target position or position (high-order word) for extended auto-start
Here you can specify the high-order word for the required position (maximum: 65535).
Without code word this value is written into the RAM, with code word written into the EEPROM.