Motion command (simple)

With simple path control, a position value is specified for the terminal, from which the current position may only deviate by up to +/- 231 position increments. The controller can read the current position from registers R0 and R1. While a motion command is active, the controller can already parameterize the terminal for the next motion command. The new parameters are written to the RAM section of the register (to this end, the code word register must be deleted!). The procedure is described in more detail in the example below.

To ensure meaningful and effective motion, the following registers can be re-parameterized:

  • R2: Target position (low-order word)
  • R3: Target position (high-order word)
  • RP0.R38: Minimum velocity
  • RP0.R39: Maximum velocity
  • RP0.R40: Maximum acceleration
  • RP0.R58: Maximum deceleration (must be activated through bit RP0.R52.1 in feature register 2)


In the following example, a motion command is started, and a new position is specified during the motion. A second motion command is then started. The motor is then moved manually and stopped again.

  1. In the control byte, set bit CB.0 to 1 for enabling motor control.
  2. Enter the target position (32 bit) in registers R2 and R3 via register communication.
  3. Enter the remaining parameters in registers R37, R38, R39, R40 and R58 (all register page 0) via register communication, if changes are required.
  4. The process output data DataOUT now have to be zero for the motion command to be started.
  5. In the control byte, set bit CB.2 to 1 for starting the motion command. The stepper motor terminal will now independently move the motor to the target position. Leave bit CB.2 set to 1 until the motor has reached the desired position. To abort the motion command delete bit CB.2.
  6. During the active motion command enter the new parameters in registers R37, R38, R39, R40 and R58 via register communication, if they are to be modified.
  7. When the target position is reached, the terminal reports this by setting bit SW.3 in the status word.
  8. Deleting bit CB.2 in the control byte completes the first motion command.
  9. The terminal acknowledges this by deleting bit SW.3.
  10. Set bit CB.2 to 1 for starting the new motion command.
  11. When the second target position is reached, the terminal reports this by setting again bit SW.3.
  12. Deleting bit CB.2 in the control byte completes the second motion command.
  13. The terminal acknowledges this by deleting again bit SW.3.
  14. Enter a velocity value in DataOUT via process data communication for moving the motor manually.
  15. Delete the velocity value in DataOUT in order to stop the motor.