Parameterization objects
Set these parameters during commissioning.
Index 8020: STM Motor Settings Ch. 1
Index 8030: STM Motor Settings Ch. 2
Access rights: read/write
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
8020:01 8030:01 | Peak current | If the motor current exceeds this value, the output stage of the affected channel is disabled and the diagnostic bit "Channel n short circuit" is set. | mA | UINT | 1000dec |
8020:02 8030:02 | Rated current | The rated current of the motor. See motor data sheet. This parameter is used for the I2T calculation of the motor. (Thermal overload protection) | mA | UINT | 1000dec |
8020:03 8030:03 | Rated voltage | The rated voltage of the motor. See motor data sheet. | 0.01 V | UINT | 2400dec |
8020:04 8030:04 | Phase to phase resistance | The ohmic resistance between two motor phases. | 0.01 Ω | UINT | 100dec |
8020:09 8030:09 | Start velocity | Threshold value: the motor is kept in align state if the value of the output variable “velocity” is lower than this value. If this value is too low, a commutation error may occur. | °/s | UINT | 3000dec |
8020:13 8030:13 | Mechanical to electrical ratio | Set this parameter to the number of pole pairs of the motor multiplied by the gear ratio. The value for this parameter can also be determined experimentally. | - | UINT | 1 |
8020:14 8030:14 | Rated velocity |
| 5000dec |
8020:16 8030:16 | I2T warn level | I2T limit monitoring: Warning threshold. If the I2T value exceeds this threshold, the “Channel n overload I2T warning” bit is set. | % | USINT | 80dec |
8020:18 8030:18 | I2T error level | I2T limit monitoring: Error threshold. If the I2T value exceeds this threshold, the “Channel n overload I2T error” bit is set. The motor is switched torqueless. | % | USINT | 110dec |
8020:19 8030:19 | Motor thermal time constant | I2T limit monitoring: Thermal time constant. The thermal time constant can be found in the motor datasheet. | 0.1 s | UINT | 15dec |
Index 8022: STM Features Channel 1
Index 8032: STM Features Channel 2
Access rights: read/write
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default |
8022:11 8032:11 | Select info data 1 | Here you can define which measured values are assigned to the input variables in the process data object STM Synchron info data Channel n. Enum:
| - | USINT | 7dec |
8022:19 8032:19 | Select info data 2 | - | USINT | 11dec | |
8022:51 8032:51 | Select info data 3 | - | USINT | 13dec |
Index 8023: STM Controller Settings 4 Ch. 1
Index 8033: STM Controller Settings 4 Ch. 2
Access rights: read/write
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
8023:02 8033:02 | Disable stop after unsuccessful rampup | This prevents a commutation error after unsuccessful ramping up the motor. The commutation is continued at Rampup velocity. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8023:03 8033:03 | Disable motor diagnosis | This parameter disables the motor protection functions during the alignment phase. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8023:04 8033:04 | Disable I2T current limiting | This bit disables the I2T current limiting above a 97% limit. This could be unstable during low velocities. FALSE: The output current is limited when the motor I2T value exceeds 97 %. TRUE: no current limiting. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8023:11 8033:11 | Velocity loop integral time | Velocity controller parameter: Integral time Ti | 0.1 ms | UDINT | 500dec |
8023:12 8033:12 | Velocity loop proportional gain | Velocity controller parameter: Proportional coefficient KP | µV (°/s) | UDINT | 100dec |
8023:13 8033:13 | Velocity feed forward gain | Bypasses the velocity controller directly with its Target voltage. With correct Rated voltage and speed the Actual velocity will be close to the Target velocity at 100% Feed Forward. | % | USINT | 0 |
8023:14 8033:14 | Sensorless offset scaling | This parameter affects the output current during alignment and rampup phase. The output current is specified in percent of the nominal current, CoE index 80n0:02. | % | USINT | 50dec |
8023:15 8033:15 | Align duration | Duration of the alignment phase | ms | UINT | 1000dec |
8023:18 8033:18 | Rampup duration | Duration of the ramp-up phase | ms | UINT | 1000dec |
8023:19 8033:19 | Rampup velocity | Target velocity for the roller at the end of the ramp-up phase. See also subindex 02hex. | °/s | UINT | 3000dec |
8023:21 8033:21 | Rampup needed switchover events | The amount successful commutations which are needed to switch from forced commutation (ramp-up phase) to regulated commutation. | - | UINT | 20dec |
8023:22 8033:22 | Commutation threshold | This value is to modify the commutation for different motors. | - | UINT | 50dec |
8023:23 8033:23 | Current loop proportional gain | Proportional component of current controller | 0.1 V/A | UINT | 2 |
8023:24 8033:24 | Current loop integral time | Current controller integral action time (Tn) | 0.1 ms | UINT | 20dec |
8023:25 8033:25 | Restart after error number of repetition | Autoacknowledge: acknowledge errors automatically If a commutation error occurs, the motor can be restarted automatically. This parameter determines the number of commutation errors and restarts that may occur before the motor is finally switched off. If this parameter is zero, the motor will be switched off immediately after a commutation error in nominal operation. | - | UINT | 0 |
8023:26 8033:26 | Restart after error delay | This parameter determines the time span between a commutation error and the automatic restart. See also subindex 25. | ms | UINT | 1000dez |
Index 8040hex: ZNCTRL Settings Ch.1
Access rights: read/write
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
8040:01 | Disable zone | Disable ZPA operation for this zone. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8040:03 | Invert motor direction | Reversal of the direction of rotation of the motor. If the motor phases have been connected the wrong way round, the motor will rotate in the wrong direction. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8040:04 | Disable motor in stop | Set the motor torqueless when not moving. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8040:12 | External reset input hardware selection | Selection of the digital input for an external reset signal. The assignment of the connection designations can be found in the chapter Digital input/outputs. | - | UINT16 | 0 "None" |
8040:13 | Zone sensor input hardware selection | Selection of the digital input for the zone sensor. Recommendation: change this parameter only if you need to invert the sensor signal. See chapter "Cabling", section Sensor signals. | - | UINT16 | 1 "Input 1" |
8040:14 | Upstream control input hardware selection | Configuration of digital inputs and outputs for ZPA communication. Change these parameters only if you know exactly what you are doing. The assignment of the connection designations can be found in the chapter Digital input/outputs. | - | UINT16 | 65dec "Control input 1" |
8040:15 | Upstream control output hardware selection | - | UINT16 | 66dec "Control output 2" | |
8040:16 | Downstream control input hardware selection | - | UINT16 | 130dec "Internal variable 2" | |
8040:17 | Downstream control output hardware selection | - | UINT16 | 129dec "Internal variable 1" | |
8040:1B | Initialization run max duration | The maximum duration of the initialization run. | ms | UINT16 | 10000dec (10 s) |
8040:1C | Loading timeout | The maximum duration for accepting a package from the previous zone. | ms | UINT16 | 10000dec (10 s) |
8040:1D | Manual removing timeout | If a package leaves the detection zone of the sensor even though it was not conveyed further by the motor, it is assumed that the package was removed manually. The timespan is set by this parameter. | ms | UINT16 | 1000dec (1 s) |
8040:1E | Loading follow-up time | When the zone accepts a package, the motor runs until the sensor detects the package. The timespan is set by this parameter. | ms | UINT16 | 200dec |
8040:F1 | Unloading follow-up time | If the zone continues to convey a package, the motor runs until the package leaves the detection range of the sensor. The timespan is set by this parameter. The closer the sensor is to the end of the zone, the shorter this timespan must be. | ms | UINT16 | 1000dec (1 s) |
8040:20 | Motor velocity | Presetting of the motor speed. | ° / s | INT16 | 360dec |
8040:21 | Motor acceleration | Preset of the acceleration ramp when starting the motor. | ° / s² | UINT16 | 10000dec |
8040:22 | Motor deceleration | Presetting of the braking ramp when stopping the motor. | ° / s² | UINT16 | 10000dec |
8040:23 | Train Release Delay | Delay time for "Train Release". This delay time prevents current peaks that would result from starting multiple motors at the same time. | ms | UINT16 | 100dec (100 ms) |
8040:24 | Unloading timeout | The maximum duration for conveying a package out of the zone. | ms | UINT16 | 10000dec (10 s) |
Index 8050hex: ZNCTRL Settings Ch.2
Access rights: read/write
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
8050:01 | Disable zone | Disable ZPA operation for this zone. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8050:03 | Invert motor direction | Reversal of the direction of rotation of the motor. If the motor phases have been connected the wrong way round, the motor will rotate in the wrong direction. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8050:04 | Disable motor in stop | Set the motor torqueless when not moving. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8050:12 | External reset input hardware selection | Selection of the digital input for an external reset signal. The assignment of the connection designations can be found in the chapter Digital input/outputs. | - | UINT16 | 0 "None" |
8050:13 | Zone sensor input hardware selection | Selection of the digital input for the zone sensor. Recommendation: change this parameter only if you need to invert the sensor signal. See chapter "Cabling", section Sensor signals. | - | UINT16 | 3 "Input 3" |
8050:14 | Upstream control input hardware selection | Configuration of digital inputs and outputs for ZPA communication. Change these parameters only if you know exactly what you are doing. The assignment of the connection designations can be found in the chapter Digital input/outputs. | - | UINT16 | 129 "Internal variable 1" |
8050:15 | Upstream control output hardware selection | - | UINT16 | 130 "Internal variable 2" | |
8050:16 | Downstream control input hardware selection | - | UINT16 | 68dec "Control input 4" | |
8050:17 | Downstream control output hardware selection | - | UINT16 | 67dec "Control output 3" | |
8050:1B | Initialization run max duration | The maximum duration of the initialization run. | ms | UINT16 | 10000dec (10 s) |
8050:1C | Loading timeout | The maximum duration for accepting a package from the previous zone. | ms | UINT16 | 10000dec (10 s) |
8050:1D | Manual removing timeout | If a package leaves the detection zone of the sensor even though it was not conveyed further by the motor, it is assumed that the package was removed manually. The timespan is set by this parameter. | ms | UINT16 | 1000dec (1 s) |
8050:1E | Loading follow-up time | When the zone accepts a package, the motor runs until the sensor detects the package. The timespan is set by this parameter. | ms | UINT16 | 200dec |
8050:F1 | Unloading follow-up time | If the zone continues to convey a package, the motor runs until the package leaves the detection range of the sensor. The timespan is set by this parameter. The closer the sensor is to the end of the zone, the shorter this timespan must be. | ms | UINT16 | 1000dec (1 s) |
8050:20 | Motor velocity | Presetting of the motor speed. | ° / s | INT16 | 360dec |
8050:21 | Motor acceleration | Preset of the acceleration ramp when starting the motor. | ° / s² | UINT16 | 10000dec |
8050:22 | Motor deceleration | Presetting of the braking ramp when stopping the motor. | ° / s² | UINT16 | 10000dec |
8050:23 | Train Release Delay | Delay time for "Train Release". This delay time prevents current peaks that would result from starting multiple motors at the same time. | ms | UINT16 | 100dec (100 ms) |
8050:24 | Unloading timeout | The maximum duration for conveying a package out of the zone. | ms | UINT16 | 10000dec (10 s) |
Index F810hex: ZNCTRL Device Settings
Access rights: read/write
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
F810:11 | Operation mode | Setting the operation mode:
| - |
| 0 |
F810:13 | Local control mode | Set ZPA release type:
See chapter Release types. | - |
| 0 |
F810:14 | Autoacknowledge number of attempts | See chapter Autoacknowledge: acknowledge errors automatically. | - |
| 0 |
F810:15 | Autoacknowledge delay | See chapter Autoacknowledge: acknowledge errors automatically. | ms |
| 0x03E8 (1000dec) |