Parameterization of the 24 V output channel (Indeces 0x7000:05 and 0x7000:06)

The 24 V output can be set both manually via Set output (index 0x7000:05) and via the compare function Enable output functions (index 0x7000:06).

Parameterization of the 24 V output channel (Indeces 0x7000:05 and 0x7000:06) 1:

No simultaneous activation of the functions Compare function and Workpiece measurement

If Compare function (Enable output functions index: 0x7000:06) is activated, the simultaneous use of further output data of the CoE-object 0x7000 ENC Output is not possible, such as

Setting the output via the compare function

Parameterization of the 24 V output channel (Indeces 0x7000:05 and 0x7000:06) 2:
Parameterization of the output via the compare function

Setting the output via “Set output”