Measuring ranges and output

New measurement readings are available when the toggle bit (index 0x6000:10) changes its state (0->1, 1->0). In the event of an error (usually measuring range exceeded) the respective error bits are set. New measurement values are provided approx. every 0.5 seconds. The filter time is reset if the measuring range is changed via Autorange or by the user during the filter period. If the value fluctuates too much in Autorange mode, it may not be possible to determine a new measured value. As a remedy the filter can be deactivated.

The terminal has an extended measuring range, if a larger measuring range is available (Example: 30 V range, extended measuring range is 300 V). In Autorange mode the extended measuring range is used as a hysteresis range. In the extended measuring range overflow and underflow bits and the error bit are set at 115% of the normal measuring range.

Measuring ranges and output 1:

RMS value in the AC measuring range

 In AC mode only the RMS value of AC voltage is shown (no DC component).

Measuring ranges and output 2:

Error bits

Error bits are "Underrange" (index 0x6000:01) and "Overrange" (index 0x6000:02), "Data invalid" (index 0x6000:04) and "TxPDO State" (index 0x6000:0F). The Error bit (index 0x6000:07) is set together with these bits. In some cases several bits may be set simultaneously in the event of an error (e.g. "Overrange" and "Data invalid"). See also section "Error handling and diagnostics".

Measuring ranges and output 3:

Error compensation

Since the terminal integrates the input value over an interval of 20 ms (16.66 ms in 60 Hz mode), superimposed interferences of the input values from the supply network can largely be compensated.