Filter, Sampling rate

Filter (CoE Index 0x8000:04)

The terminal measures with a sampling rate of 62.5 ms (16 sps).

The terminal's firmware can calculate a simple 8-fold mean value filter. The filter is enabled by default.

Filter, Sampling rate 1:Fig.144: CoE Index 0x8000:04, Enable Filter


Filter, Sampling rate 2:Fig.145: Sine signal, 0/5 V, 1 Hz

Sine signal, 0/5 V, 1 Hz, at the beginning filter "disabled" (sampling time 62.5 ms), after approx. 5 s the filter is "enabled" and an alias signal is generated (sampling time 500 ms)

The filter time is reset if the measuring range is changed via Autorange or by the user during the filter period.