Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
TwinCAT 3
Product overview
TE1000 XAE
TExxxx | TwinCAT 3 Engineering
TC1xxx | TwinCAT 3 Base
TFxxxx | TwinCAT 3 Functions
TF1xxx - System
TF2xxx - HMI
TF3xxx - Measurement
TF4xxx - Control
TF5xxx - Motion
Motion | Overview
TF50x0 | NC PTP
TF5050 | NC Camming
TF5055 | NC Flying Saw
TF5065 | Motion Control XFC/XFC NC I
TF5100 | NC I
TF511x | Kinematic Transformation
TF5120 | Robotics mxAutomation
TF5130 | Robotics uniVAL PLC
TF52xx | TwinCAT 3 CNC
TF5200 | Manuals
TF5200 | Programming manual
TF5200 | Diagnosis manual
TF5200 | Start-up list
TF5200 | Channel parameters
TF5200 | Axis parameters
TF5200 | Tool data
TF5200 | Zero offsets
TF5200 | Manual mode parameter
TF5200 | Axis compensation
Notes on the documentation
General and safety instructions
Overview of compensation parameters
General description
The compensation list header (kopf.*)
General compensation value data (kw.*)
Cross compensation (kw.crosscomp.*)
Plane compensation (kw.crosscomp2.*)
Leadscrew error compensation (kw.ssfk.*)
Maximum number of table entries for leadscrew error compensation (P-COMP-00059)
Unit of the length entries (P-COMP-00017)
Distance between interpolation points (P-COMP-00018)
Start position of compensation values (P-COMP-00019)
Number of compensation values (P-COMP-00020)
Operation mode of compensation (P-COMP-00021)
Compensation of a modulo axis (P-COMP-00022)
Manual activation (P-COMP-00028)
Consideration of other axis compensations (P-COMP-00057)
Table of compensation values (kw.ssfk.table[i].*)
Example of a compensation value list
Friction compensation (frict_comp.*)
Crosstalk compensation (kw.crosstalk.*)
Support and Service
TF5200 | Clamp position offsets
TF5200 | Volumetric compensation parameters
TF5200 | External variables
TF5200 | Transformation interface
TF5200 | HLI-Interface
TF5200 | System parameter
TF5200 | Dynamic coordinate system
TF5200 | Commissioning of axis
TF5200 | Commissioning of the kinematic transformation
TF5200 | Interface to external compensation
TF5200 | Functional descriptions
TF5225 | Measurement
TF5240 | Kinematic transformations
TF5240 | Universal kinematic
TF5240 | Couple kinematics
TF5240 | TCP Velocity limitation
TF5245 | Kinematic Optimization
TF5250 | Vibration Guard
TF5261 | Realtime cycles
TF5261 | Real-time loops
TF5270/71 | Virtual NCK
TF5280 | Volumetric Compensation
TF5200 | Cutting Plus
TF5293 | Milling Base
TF52xx | Additional Cycles
TF5400 | Advanced Motion Pack
TF5410 | Motion Collision Avoidance
TF5420 | Motion Pick-and-Place
TF5430 | Planar Motion
TF5810 | Hydraulic Positioning
NC Errors
PLC Libraries Motion
TF6xxx - Connectivity
TF7xxx - Vision
TF8xxx - Industry specific
TwinCAT 2
Application Notes