Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
Servo drive
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX2090-ND80 | Mains choke
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX8xxx | Axis module - Object dictionary
Objects of module DeviceMain
Objects of module SafeMotion
Objects of module DeviceDebug
Objects of module AxisMain
Objects of module Interpolator
Objects of module PositionControl
Objects of module VelocityControl
Objects of module VelocityControl2
Objects of module BiquadFilter
Objects of module TorqueControl
Objects of module OCT rotary (Hiperface DSL)
Objects of module EnDat 22 rotary
Objects of module EnDat 22 linear
Objects of module BiSS-C rotary
Objects of module BiSS-C linear
Objects of module SimulationRotary
Objects of module SyncServoMotor
Objects of module LinearMotor
Objects of module AsynchronousMotor
Objects of module AxisDebug
Objects of module OCT linear (Hiperface DSL)
Objects of module EnDat 3 rotary
Objects of module EnDat 3 linear
1A00:x [SL] EnDat 3 linear Inputs
1AE0:x [SL] EnDat 3 linear Dynamic Inputs
32E0:x [SL] EnDat 3: Actual values (linear)
32E1:x [SL] EnDat 3: Master info (linear)
32E2:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave memory EL (linear)
32E3:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave memory XEL (linear)
32E3:01 Selected slave address
32E3:02 XEL cs
32E3:03 XEL timeHPFout 0
32E3:04 XEL timeHPFout 1
32E3:05 XEL timeHPFout 2
32E3:06 XEL timeHPFout 3
32E3:07 XEL timeHPFout 4
32E3:08 XEL timeHPFout 5
32E3:09 XEL timeHPFout 6
32E3:0A XEL timeHPFout 7
32E3:0B XEL encoderType
32E3:0C XEL deviceFeature
32E3:0D XEL formatPos1Abs
32E3:0E XEL formatPos2
32E3:0F XEL measLength
32E3:10 XEL analogSignalPeriod
32E3:11 XEL refMarkDelta
32E3:12 XEL Aux
32E3:13 XEL maxSpeedMech
32E3:14 XEL maxSpeedData
32E3:15 XEL maxTempMech
32E3:16 XEL fidMountAddresses
32E3:17 XEL fidEvalnumSupport
32E3:18 XEL safetyBits
32E3:19 XEL lowerLimitPos
32E3:1A XEL upperLimitPos
32E3:1B XEL offsetPosFS
32E3:1C XEL numSafePosBits
32E3:1D XEL safetyCsPos1
32E3:1E XEL deviceSpecific
32E4:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave memory SENSORS (linear)
32E5:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave memory SET (linear)
32E6:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave memory XSET (linear)
32E7:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave memory LPFSET (linear)
32E8:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave memory LPFLIVE (linear)
32E9:x [SL] EnDat 3: Slave status LPF data (linear)
32EA:x [SL] Temperature sensors
32EB:x [SL] EnDat 3: Electronic data sheet (linear)
32EC:x [SL] EnDat 3: Position offset data (linear)
32ED:x [SL] EnDat 3: User data (linear)
32EF:x [SL] EnDat 3: Commutation offset data (linear)
32F1:x [SL] EnDat 3: Direct encoder access (linear)
32F3:x [SL] EnDat 3: Save user data (linear)
32F4:x [SL] EnDat 3: Save commutation offset (linear)
32F5:x [SL] EnDat 3: Scan connected encoder (linear)
32FB:x [SL] EnDat 3: Additional status (rotary)
32FC:x [SL] EnDat 3: Encoder parameter (linear)
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Object dictionary
AX8xxx | Axis module - Diagnostic messages
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Diagnostic messages
AX2090-BW80 | External brake resistor
TE5910 | TC3 Motion Designer - Quick commissioning guide
AX2090-BW65 | External brake resistor IP65
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system - Function description
AX2090-NF80 | Mains filter
AX8820 | Universal regenerative unit
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive
Distributed servo drives
Rotary servomotors
Translatory servomotors
Planetary gears
Transport systems
Compact drive technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
Industry Solutions