Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
System Concept
Quick Start
System Manager
TX1200 | TwinCAT PLC
TX12xx | TwinCAT NC
NC Basics
TX1250 | NC PTP
TX1260 | NC I
TX1270 | CNC
Installation of the CNC kernel
Configuration of the CNC kernel in the TwinCAT System Manager
Implementation of the High Level Interface (HLI)
Tool management implementation
Messages and errors
TwinCAT CNC Documentation
Axis Compensation
Axis Commissioning
Axis Parameter
Channel Parameter
Clamp Position Offsets
External Variables
HLI Interface
Manual Mode Parameter
Startup List
Structure of the Start-Up Data
Syntax and interpretation of the Start-Up Data ASCII File
Comments in the ASCII File
Example of a Start-Up Data ASCII File
Description of the elements
Number of configured channels (P-STUP-00001)
SERCOS start-up (P-STUP-00002)
Number of SERCOS rings (P-STUP-00003)
SERCOS baud rate (P-STUP-00004)
SERCOS time slot calculation (P-STUP-00005)
SERCOS-AT time slot calculation (P-STUP-00006)
SERCOS master light intensity (P-STUP-00039)
Selected topology (P-STUP-00007)
List type (P-STUP-00008)
Name of the list file for the channel parameters (P-STUP-00009)
Name of the list file for the tool data (P-STUP-00010)
Name of the list file for the zero point data (P-STUP-00011)
Name of the list files for the clamp position offset data (P-STUP-00012)
Name of the list file for the manual operation parameters (P-STUP-00013)
Number of axis machine data records (P-STUP-00014)
Name of the list file for the axis parameters (P-STUP-00015)
Number of offset value lists (P-STUP-00016)
Name of the list files for the offset values (P-STUP-00017)
NC program paths (pfad[i].*)
HMI objects (hmi[i].*)
Parameters for the BF channel (channel[i].*)
Name of the list file (P-STUP-00026)
Mode of the list file (P-STUP-00027)
PLC mode (P-STUP-00032)
Memory size for reversing (P-STUP-00033)
Memory size for external variables (P-STUP-00037)
Name of the list file for the external variables (P-STUP-00038)
Version identifier of visualization data (P-STUP-00039)
Global channel specific reporting of display data (P-STUP-00040)
Parameter for configuration (configuration.*)
Tool Data
Zero offsets
System parameters
Kinematic Transformation
MC Platform
PLC library McpPLCopenP1
Function Description
NC Errorcodes
TSxxxx | TwinCAT Supplements
Industry Solutions