Commissioning of the temperature control

The commissioning of the temperature control includes both a TwinCAT Engineering and a part to be executed at runtime. This sample summarizes the steps that are executed at runtime.

Before the subsequent steps, the preparation of the TwinCAT project has to be done according to the example from section Mapping and configuration of temperature zones.

Set the appropriate input and output signal types and devices for all their temperature zones

Commissioning of the temperature control 1:

Hardware parameterization without grouping

This step refers to the linear mapping of the TF8540 library. Already configured groupings are ignored in this step.

  1. Log in with administrator rights (default user = 4th administrator, password = 4).
  2. Navigate via the navigation (≡-symbol) to Temperature > Grouping.
  3. Group thermally connected zones into one group each (in the order shown in the following diagram).
  4. Commissioning of the temperature control 2:
  5. Navigate to Parameters > Temperature.
  6. Set your hardware configuration for the first mapped zone in the marked parameters (1 - 5).
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all zones to be used using the marked button (6).
  8. Save your settings via the marked button (7).
Commissioning of the temperature control 3:

Check the reaction of the hardware inputs on the machine

  1. Navigate via the navigation to Temperature > Configuration.
  2. Heat the sensor of a zone via an external heat source.
  3. Observe if the temperature change occurs in the expected zone.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each zone.
Commissioning of the temperature control 4:

Check the response of the hardware outputs on the machine

Commissioning of the temperature control 5:

Switching on a zone does not generate a power level

Make sure that at the time of this step the temperature control has been enabled by the PLC!

  1. Switch on an individual temperature zone via the slider (1).
  2. Check if the power level (2) increases and the actual value (3) of the activated zone changes.
  3. Switch the zone off again as soon as possible to keep the temperature rise to a minimum.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each zone.
Commissioning of the temperature control 6:

Start the automatic tuning of the control parameters

You should still be on the Temperature > Configuration page.

  1. Select the fourth tab (1) in the slider area and start tuning using the corresponding button (2) of the group.
  2. Execute step 1 for all groups to be commissioned.
Commissioning of the temperature control 7:

Monitor the automatic tuning until it completes successfully

  1. As soon as the display element on the button is no longer yellow, the tuning is finished.
  2. If the display element on the button is green, the tuning has been completed successfully.

You have successfully commissioned your temperature control.