Mapping and configuration of temperature zones
A few individual steps must be taken in the engineering to commission the temperature control. After that, setup and configuration is possible purely on the user interface. The following step-by-step instructions show you the setting necessities in TwinCAT Engineering.
- 1. Configure the usable number of zones in the Tc2_PfwLib_Processing.
References > Tc2_PfwLib_Processing > Global Variables > TcPfw_Parameter_Scaling > cnPfwTempCtrlLast
The library included in the Tc3_PlasticBaseApplication cannot be adjusted! It is necessary to add the Tc2_PfwLib_Processing library to your project to adjust the number of temperature zones. - 2. Link their analog inputs of the temperature sensors to the array
After setting the number of zones, the project must be created successfully so that the mapping is updated, otherwise the mapping will not have the set number of zones. - 3. Link your digital outputs of the heating and cooling relays to the array
Cooling relays must be mapped to .SelOutNeg. - 4. Group the linear arrangement of zones to match their application. You have the following options here:
- A contiguous section of the arrangement shall be assigned to a group of temperature zones. In this sample, zones 1 to 10 are assigned to group 1.
hr := fbTemperature.LinkGroup(nStartIdx := 1, nEndIdx := 10, nGroupIdx := 1, bOverwrite := FALSE);
- The devices of a temperature zone group are scattered over the array and must be individually assigned to the group. In this sample, zone 12 and zone 20 are assigned to group 2.
hr := fbTemperature.LinkZone(nLinearIdx := 12, nGroupIdx := 2, 0, bOverwrite := FALSE);
hr := fbTemperature.LinkZone(nLinearIdx := 20, nGroupIdx := 2, 0, bOverwrite := FALSE);