Software concept

This chapter describes the innovations or special features that TwinCAT Vision brings along. The principles of the PLC programming in TwinCAT 3 as well as the reference programming can be found in the general TwinCAT 3 documentation. Within the description of the PLC you will find a chapter with TwinCAT 3 programming conventions. The recommendations and notes as well as the advantages and disadvantages that it contains enable a standardized program structure, a consistent naming of objects, variables, instances and an easily readable and more understandable code to be achieved and thus the simplification of the development, use and maintenance of the programs.

Software concept 1:

Unambiguous access to library modules

If the Tc3_Vision library is to be included (referenced) in another library and can thus occur several times in a project, an unambiguous access must be made via the namespace as prefix of the identifier. Default e.g. hr := Tc3_Vision.F_VN_TransformIntoDisplayableImage(ipImageIn, ipImageInDisp, hr);

For more information and setting options, see the PLC project settings and the library properties.


Access to the same data when using several tasks

If several tasks are to access the same image, for example, these accesses must be synchronized according to these guidelines. Otherwise there is the danger of an inconsistent data set, which could lead to unforeseeable consequences and program malfunctions.