Find Contour - Hierarchy & Retrieval Mode

This sample shows the retrieval mode (ETcVnContourRetrievalMode) for the contour search (F_VN_FindContoursExp and F_VN_FindContourHierarchyExp) and how it affects the contour result and the returned hierarchy.


The contour retrieval mode (eRetrievalMode of type ETcVnContourRetrievalMode) can be used to specify how the contour hierarchy is taken into account during the contour search. This sample visualizes the results according to the selected mode.

Detailed explanations of the hierarchy structure can be found in F_VN_FindContourHierarchyExp.


hr                   :   HRESULT;

ipImageIn            :   ITcVnImage;
ipImageInDisp        :   ITcVnDisplayableImage;

ipImageRes           :   ITcVnImage;
ipImageResDisp       :   ITcVnDisplayableImage;

ipImageHierarchy     :   ITcVnImage;
ipImageHierarchyDisp :   ITcVnDisplayableImage;

// Sample Specific Variables
ipContourList        :   ITcVnContainer;
ipContour            :   ITcVnContainer;
ipHierarchyList      :   ITcVnContainer;
aHierarchy           :   TcVnVector4_DINT;
aHierarchyTree       :   TcVnVector4_DINT;
eRetrievalMode       :   ETcVnContourRetrievalMode := TCVN_CRM_LIST;
eApproximationMethod :   ETcVnContourApproximationMethod := TCVN_CAM_SIMPLE;
aOffset              :   TcVnPoint;

nNumOfElem           :   ULINT;
nParents             :   UINT;
i                    :   ULINT;
j                    :   ULINT;
stRect               :   TcVnRectangle_UDINT;
sText                :   STRING(80);
// Colors    
aColorWhite          :   TcVnVector4_LREAL := [255, 255, 255];
aColorBlack          :   TcVnVector4_LREAL := [0, 0, 0];
aColorList           :   ARRAY[0..4] OF TcVnVector4_LREAL := [ [255,0,0], [0,255,0], [0,0,255], [200,200,0], [200,0,200]];


// Create Result Image
hr := F_VN_ConvertColorSpace(ipImageIn, ipImageRes, TCVN_CST_Gray_TO_RGB, hr);
hr := F_VN_CreateImage(ipImageHierarchy, 130, 200, EtcVnElementType.TCVN_ET_USINT, 3, hr);
hr := F_VN_SetPixels(ipImageHierarchy, aColorWhite, hr);

// Find Contours and their Hierarchy
// -----------------------------------
hr := F_VN_FindContourHierarchyExp(
               ipSrcImage             :=   ipImageIn,
               ipContours             :=   ipContourList, 
               ipHierarchy            :=   ipHierarchyList, 
               eRetrievalMode         :=   eRetrievalMode, 
               eApproximationMethod   :=   eApproximationMethod, 
               aOffset                :=   aOffset, 
               hrPrev                 :=   hr);

hr := F_VN_GetNumberOfElements(ipContourList, nNumOfElem, hr);

IF nNumOfElem > 0 THEN
   FOR i:= 0 TO (nNumOfElem-1) BY 1 DO

      hr := F_VN_GetAt_ITcVnContainer(ipContourList, ipContour, i, hr);
      hr := F_VN_GetAt_TcVnVector4_DINT(ipHierarchyList, aHierarchy, i, hr);

      // Count Parents and set aColor depending on parent number
      nParents := 0;
      aHierarchyTree := aHierarchy;
      WHILE SUCCEEDED(hr) AND_THEN aHierarchyTree[3] >= 0 DO
         nParents := nParents + 1;
         hr := F_VN_GetAt_TcVnVector4_DINT(ipHierarchyList, aHierarchyTree, aHierarchyTree[3], hr);

      // Draw contour and number into the result image
      sText := TO_STRING(i);
      hr := F_VN_UprightBoundingRectangle(ipContour, stRect, hr);
      hr := F_VN_PutText(sText, ipImageRes, stRect.nX +10, stRect.nY +15, TCVN_FT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, aColorList[(nParents) MOD 4], hr);
      hr := F_VN_DrawContours(ipContour, -1, ipImageRes, aColorList[(nParents) MOD 4], 2, hr);

      // Write Hierarchy
      hr := F_VN_PutText(sText, ipImageHierarchy, 10, TO_UDINT(10 + i*10), TCVN_FT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.5, aColorList[(nParents) MOD 4], hr);
      FOR j := 0 TO 3 BY 1 DO
         sText := TO_STRING(aHierarchy[j]);
         hr := F_VN_PutText(sText, ipImageHierarchy, TO_UDINT(10 + (j+1)*22), TO_UDINT(10 + i*10), TCVN_FT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.5, aColorBlack, hr);


The input image

Find Contour - Hierarchy & Retrieval Mode 1:

The contours found with TCVN_CRM_TREE. The colors render contours at the same level

Find Contour - Hierarchy & Retrieval Mode 2:

The hierarchy for the above result image. Each row refers to a contour. The columns have the following meaning:

The number -1 indicates that no corresponding contour exists.

Find Contour - Hierarchy & Retrieval Mode 3:

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