User-specific transformations

In addition to the provided transformations, own kinematic transformations can also be implemented and integrated as TwinCAT C++ module.



Beforehand, the development computer must be set up once for the development of TwinCAT C++ modules. Details can be found in the TwinCAT C++ documentation.

Development of a TwinCAT C++ module for 2D XC kinematics

The following example of 2D XC kinematics shows how to create user-specific kinematics. The kinematics is composed of a linear axis (M1), on which there is a rotation axis (M2) with an arm. The arm length should be adjustable.

User-specific transformations 1:


Online Change

An Online Change is only allowed with TwinCAT C++ modules of the project type "TwinCAT 3 Versioned C++ Project". Otherwise, discontinuities may occur on the C++ side.

Configuring the transformation module in the XAE

Requirement: An empty TwinCAT project must be located on a development system that is set up for TwinCAT C++ development.
1. Add a TwinCAT C++ project to the empty TwinCAT project.
To do this, right-click on the subtree C++ > Add New Item...
User-specific transformations 2:
2. Select TwinCAT Versioned C++ Project as the project type and assign a name. Confirm the selection with the Add button.

User-specific transformations 3:
3. Select TwinCAT Module Class as module type. Confirm the selection with the Add button.
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4. Give the module a name in the next step. Confirm the information with the OK button.
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A TwinCAT C++ project with module was created.

Adding interfaces and parameters

5. Double-click on the tmc file in the Solution tree to open the TMC Editor to add interfaces and parameters.
User-specific transformations 6:
6. For a user specific transformation the interface ITcNcTrafo is required.
Open the Choose data type... dialog in the TMC editor via Modules > <Module Name> > Implemented Interfaces > Add new interface (insert).
7. Select "ItcNcTrafo" and confirm with OK.

User-specific transformations 7:

User-specific transformations can also have parameters with which the transformation can be configured. For the 2D-XC kinematics in the example, the arm length should be adjustable.

Adjust arm length

8. Add a new parameter in the TMC editor via Modules > <Module Name> > Parameters > Add new Parameter (Insert).
User-specific transformations 8:
With a double click on the new parameter it can be configured.
9. Configure the adjustable arm length parameter as follows:
User-specific transformations 9:
After the changes to the tmc file are completed, the TwinCAT TMC code generator can be executed.

Run TwinCAT TMC code generator

10. Go via the TMC Editor menu or make a right click on the C++ project > TwinCAT TMC Code Generator in the Solution tree.
User-specific transformations 10:
11. Add the header TcNcKinematicsInterfaces.h in the header <ProjectName>Interfaces.h.
User-specific transformations 11:
12. The functions Forward, Backward, TrafoSupported, GetDimensions have been automatically created at Source Files\<TrafoName>.cpp, but do not yet contain a valid implementation.
In the function GetDimensions, a check of the number of ACS and MCS axes has to be implemented.
HRESULT CMyTrafo::GetDimensions(ULONG* pFwdInput, ULONG* pFwdOutput)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (pFwdInput && pFwdOutput)
        *pFwdInput = 2;
        *pFwdOutput = 2;
        hr = E_POINTER; //pointer error
    return hr;
13. TwinCAT calls the function GetDimensions during activation. If required, you can implement additional checks in the function that should be performed during activation. For example, checking user-specific license files.
14. When building the kinematic group (FB_KinCalcTrafo) the function TrafoSupported is called.
In addition, it is recommended to call the function also in the functions Forward and Backward.
Axis dimensions and parameter values should be checked for validity in the function.
HRESULT CMyTrafo::TrafoSupported(TcNcTrafoParameter* p, bool fwd)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (p)
        if (fwd)
            if (p->dim_i != 2 || p->dim_o != 2)
                // kinematics transformation error: invalid dimension
            if (p->dim_i != 2 || p->dim_o != 2)
                // kinematics transformation error: invalid dimension
            if (p->i[1] > m_ArmLength)
                // kinematics transformation error: invalid position
        hr = E_POINTER;
    return hr;
15. Implement the (position) transformations in the functions Forward and Backward.
The parameters “o” and “i” are available for this purpose. Where "i" are always the input values and "o" the output values, the same applies to the Forward function:
o[0]    = Position of first MCS_axis
d_o[0]  = Velocity of first MCS_axis
dd_o[0] = Acceleration of first MCS_axis
i[0]    = Position of first ACS_axis
d_i[0]  = Velocity of first ACS_axis
dd_i[0] = Acceleration of first ACS_axis

It is not necessary to implement the transformations for velocity and acceleration.
At the beginning of both functions the function TrafoSupported should be called to check if the positions are valid.

HRESULT CMyTrafo::Forward(TcNcTrafoParameter* p)
    HRESULT hr = TrafoSupported(p, true);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        if (p->i && p->o)
            p->o[0] = p->i[0] + m_ArmLength*cos_((p->i[1])*PI/180);
            p->o[1] = m_ArmLength * sin_((p->i[1])*PI / 180);

        if (p->d_i && p->d_o)
            p->d_o[0] = p->d_i[0];
            p->d_o[1] = p->d_i[1];

        if (p->dd_i && p->dd_o)
            p->dd_o[0] = p->dd_i[0];
            p->dd_o[1] = p->dd_i[1];

    return hr;
HRESULT CMyTrafo::Backward(TcNcTrafoParameter* p)
    HRESULT hr = TrafoSupported(p,false);

    if (p->i && p->o)
        p->o[1] = asin_(p->i[1] / m_ArmLength) * 180 / PI;
        p->o[0] = (p->i[0] - (cos_(p->o[1] * PI / 180)*m_ArmLength));

    if (p->d_i && p->d_o)
        p->d_o[0] = p->d_i[0];
        p->d_o[1] = p->d_i[1];

    if (p->dd_i && p->dd_o)
        p->dd_o[0] = p->dd_i[0];
        p->dd_o[1] = p->dd_i[1];

    return hr;

Creating and publishing the modules

16. Right-click on C++- > UserSpecificTrafo Project in the Solution tree and select TwinCAT Publish Modules.
User-specific transformations 12:
17. Check the Build output. There should be no error message here.
User-specific transformations 13:

NC/PTP configuration

18. Create an NC project in the MOTION subtree.
User-specific transformations 14:
User-specific transformations 15:
19. Create the required PTP axes.
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User-specific transformations 17:

Creating a transformation

20. Create an additional NC channel (for Kinematic Transformation) in the NC project.
User-specific transformations 18:
User-specific transformations 19:
21. Then add the created transformation to the group of the kinematic channel.
To do so, right-click on the Group > Add Object(s)...
User-specific transformations 20:
The Insert TcCom Object dialog opens.
22. Select your transformation module and confirm your selection with OK. If you cannot find your module, refresh the view via Reload.
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23. Parameterize the object parameters according to the kinematics used.
The XAE configuration is now complete.
User-specific transformations 22:
The transformation can now be activated via the PLC (see PLC library). Define a cyclic channel interface in the PLC to address the transformation and link it to the I/O of the kinematic channel.
in_stKinToPlc      AT %I*     : NCTOPLC_NCICHANNEL_REF;
out_stPlcToKin     AT %Q*     : PLCTONC_NCICHANNEL_REF;