Fast Axis Stop

Fast Axis Stop

Fast Axis Stop 1:
Fast Axis Stop 2:
Fast Axis Stop 3:

Usually a stop is triggered by PLC code using MC_Stop. However, there are special applications within that the time delay of stop has to be as small as possible. Within this situation the input Drive.Inputs.In.nState4 comes into play triggering a stop directly without being mapped via the PLC process image.

Fast Axis Stop 4:

Drive Status 4 (manually linked):
0x80 (1000 0000) = Fast Axis Stop (digital IO interrupt)

Variable nState4

The variable Drive.Inputs.In.nState4 can be mapped to any event source. Note its data type USINT and the bit nState4.7 being responsible for the Fast Axis Stop.

Fast Axis Stop

For an axis the Fast Axis Stop is performed when its Drive.Inputs.In.nState4.7 variable exhibits the signal type that is selected within the drop-down list "Fast Axis Stop Signal Type (optional)" and differs from “OFF (default)”.

Signal Type

The “Fast Axis Stop Signal Type (optional)” enumeration specifies six elements:


An optional fast axis parameter has to differ from zero to be applied when a Fast Axis Stop is performed.

Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk

When a Fast Axis Stop is performed on the corresponding axis within the boundaries prescribed by the “Maximum Dynamics” the “Fast Acceleration (optional)” float value accelerates the axis, the “Fast Deceleration (optional)” float value decelerates the axis and the “Fast Jerk (optional)” float value is applied.
When a Fast Axis Stop is not performed, not any fast axis parameter is applied.

Further Information: