NC/PTP NCI Configuration

A NC/PTP NCI Configuration is divided into the following sections:

NC-Task 1 SAF

  • SAF task
  • Task for the block execution
  • Task in which the setpoint generation takes place.
  • Task that serves the fieldbus IO of the NC.

NC-Task 1 SVB

  • SVB task
  • Task for the block preparation
  • Linking and "Look-ahead" function of NCI segments
  • no effect on single-axis movements (PTP)
  • not responsible for the fieldbus IO of the NC


  • NC process image


  • Tables, e.g. for cam plates


  • additional TcCOM objects


  • NC axis configuration.

Additionally, channels of the following types can be added to the configuration:

NC Channel (for Interpolation)

NC Channel (for FIFO Axes)

NC Channel
(for Kinematic Transformation)