The function block XFC_PathPositionCam realizes a path cam that switches a digital output on and off depending on the path.
In contrast to the digital cam controller MC_PathDigitalCamSwitch_MultiEdge, the function block switches precisely one cam on a digital output track. This facilitates parameterization of the function block, although it cannot be used if several cams are required on an output track.
In addition to the switching state of the digital output the output data structure contains precise time information for the next switching operations.
This information is used for the actual output at an XFC output terminal with a downstream function block (XFC_EL2252_V2 or XFC_EL2262).
HParam : UDINT;
FirstPathId : UDINT;
LastPathId : UDINT;
FirstOnPathPosition : LREAL;
LastOnPathPosition : LREAL;
OnCompensation : LREAL;
OffCompensation : LREAL;
Options : ST_CamSwitchOptions;
Name | Type | Description |
HParam | UDINT | H-parameter value that corresponds to the switching state. |
FirstPathId | UDINT | Unique ID that continually increases over the path and belongs to the relative path until the cam switches on. |
LastPathId | UDINT | Unique ID that continually increases over the path and belongs to the relative path until the cam switches off. |
FirstOnPathPosition | LREAL | Relative path until the cam switches on. |
LastOnPathPosition | LREAL | Relative path until the cam switches off. |
OnCompensation | LREAL | Compensation time for the rising edge of the cam in [s]. For negative values of OnCompensation the switching time is brought forward, otherwise it is delayed. |
OffCompensation | LREAL | Compensation time for the falling edge of the cam in [s]. For negative values of OffCompensation the switching time is brought forward, otherwise it is delayed. |
Options | Optional parameters |
NciToPlc : NciChannelToPlc;
Output : OUTPUT_REF;
Name | Type | Description |
NciToPlc | NciChannelToPlc | The structure of the cyclic channel interface from the NCI to the PLC. This structure is only accessed for reading |
Output | The data structure Output contains the calculated state of the digital output and the associated time stamp for the output at a digital XFC output terminal |