Further steps for the lambda functions

Runtime deployment

Lambda functions are also suitable for runtime deployment. The developed lambda function is created as a TcCOM module in the TwinCAT project for this purpose. A PLC function block handles the TcCOM module. The PLC function block calls the corresponding interface methods of the lambda function for this purpose. The interface methods of the lambda function, as well as the associated PLC function block are generated automatically and do not require any explicit configuration. Thus, the user-specific lambda functions can be downloaded into a TwinCAT Analytics Runtime and an individual 24/7 data analysis can be realized. More information can be found at the following link (see Runtime deployment).

HMI One Click Dashboard

To display the results of the lambda functions, the integration into the HMI One Click Dashboard is ideal. A new control can be linked via the Dashboard node of an Analytics project. In the Analytics Dashboard Wizard, an HMI Control and the corresponding lambda function can be selected and linked. The Analytics Dashboard Wizard is described in more detail at the following link (see Manage dashboard structure and content in Analytics project).