The TwinCAT HMI server can be extended with server extensions. This section describes the server extensions supplied by Beckhoff, which are available for optional use. The following server extensions are available:
- ADS: The ADS extension is required for the connection of a Beckhoff PLC. This is included by default in new projects.
- Alarm: The alarm extension is required to create alarms in the HMI.
- Audit Trail: The Audit Trail Extension is required to record user interactions within the TwinCAT HMI.
- EtherCAT Diagnostics: The EtherCAT Diagnostics Extension is required to connect to the EtherCAT I/Os and provide the data for the EtherCAT Diagnostics Control.
- EventLogger: The EventLogger extension is required for connection to the TwinCAT EventLogger.
- LDAP: The LDAP extension is required to connect the TwinCAT HMI Server to LDAP Servers.
- MDP: The MDP extension is required to connect to the MDP interface.
- OPC UA Client: The OPC UA Client extension is required to connect OPC UA Servers.
- Recipe Management: The Recipe Management extension is required for the Recipe Management in the TwinCAT HMI.
- Reporting: The Reporting Extension is required to create HMTL or PDF reports.
- Scope: The Scope extension is required for connection to the TwinCAT Scope.
- Speech: The Speech extension is required for connection to TwinCAT Speech systems.
- Sqlite Historize: The SqliteHistorize extension is required for recording historical data in the TwinCAT HMI Server.
- Vision: The Vision extension is required to display images from TwinCAT Vision in the HMI.
In addition, own server extensions can be developed and integrated into the TwinCAT HMI Server.
Some server extensions are not included as standard in a new HMI project and can be installed via NuGet, if required.
Supported operating systems:
| Windows CE7 | Windows 10 | TwinCAT/BSD |
ADS | X | X | X |
Alarm | X | X | X |
Audit Trail | - | X | X |
EtherCAT Diagnostics | - | X | X |
Eventlogger | X | X | X |
LDAP | - | X | X |
Mdp | X | X | X |
OPC UA Client | - | X | X |
Recipe Management | X | X | X |
Reporting | - | X | X |
Scope | - | X | - |
Speech | - | X | X |
Sqlite Historize | X | X | X |
Vision | - | X | - |
X = executable
- = not executable
Required .NET versions:
| .NET 4.7.2 | .NET Core 3.1 | .NET 6 |
Own server extension | X |
| X |
| X |
Scope | X |
Speech |
| X |
Vision | X |
| X |
X = required