
A LineChart can be configured as follows:

1. Define the y-axes of the coordinate system using the "YAxis Definitions" dialog

1.1. Define the desired number of Y-axes and their sequence.

1.2. Adjust the settings of the Y-axis/axes if necessary.

2. Link the array containing the data points to the attribute "Line Graph Data" of the category "Common".

Configuration 1:

The array must have two dimensions. This also applies if only one graph is stored in this array. In the latter case the array should be declared as array[1..1, 1..100] OF ST_Point.

aPoints : ARRAY[1..2, 1..100] OF ST_Point;
TYPE ST_Point :
        x : INT;
        y : INT;
Configuration 2:

The structure elements must be named identically to the attributes defined on the TwinCAT HMI side. Upper and lower case is taken into account.

Configuration 3:

Since version 1.12.760 it is also possible to configure the following data types:

  • number[]
  • number[][]

3. Add a graph description for each of the graphs contained in the array to the "Line Graph Descriptions" attribute of the "Common" category using the "LineGraphDescription Definition" editor.

Example: Line Chart