LineGraphDescription definition dialog

This dialog can be used to change the settings of the graphs for the individual subarrays to be displayed in the LineChart.


List of all objects added

LineGraphDescription definition dialog 1:

Delete the selected object

LineGraphDescription definition dialog 2:

Change the object order (top = left)

LineGraphDescription definition dialog 3:

Add a new object


Settings for the Y-axis assignment selected under "Elements"

Y-axis Id

Selecting the Y-axis to which the data set is to be connected

Line width

Definition of the line width of the graph

Point dot

Selecting whether the individual data points are to be marked

Point dot radius

Definition of the radius of the data points

Point dot stroke width

Definition of the width of the dotted line

Legend name

Definition of the legend name.

X scale factor

Definition of the X scale factor.

Y scale factor

Definition of the Y scale factor.