The basic settings for the server extension are specified in the General tab.

Signature key
- Key used to sign the export files
Event filter
- Events that are to be recorded.
Activated symbols
- Symbols that are to be recorded.
Maximum number of entries to be displayed
- Maximum number of entries to be displayed on the configuration page.
Block commands in the event of a database error
- If the value is "false", write commands are executed on a symbol and the change is written to a separate file. Once the connection to the database has been established, the content of the file is included as an entry in the Audit Trail. If the value is set to “true”, all write operations to a symbol are blocked.
Maximum size of the error log
- If command blocking is deactivated, failed database commands are written to a log file. This value describes the maximum size of the log.
Minimum length of a comment
- Fixes the minimum length of a comment.
Database settings
All settings relating to the database are made in the Database settings tab.

Current database connection
- Host: Ip address or host name of the database server (default: localhost).
- Port: Port of the database server (default: 5432).
- Database name: Name of the database.
- User: User for access to the database.
- Password: Password of the database.
- Timeout of the server connection: Time in seconds until the connection timeout occurs.
- Table ID (extended view): Identifies the tables currently in use. Can be set for special remote configurations.
Maximum number of database entries
- Maximum number of entries to be saved in the database.
Limit for the reference of the remaining database entries
- This value specifies the minimum number of available entries that should remain in the database before a notification is triggered to display the remaining database entries.
Audit Trail database
The current entries from the database are displayed in the Audit Trail Database tab. These can be filtered or exported. Furthermore, exported files can be verified here or all entries in the database can be deleted.

Verify signature
- Check the signature of exported files (check for manipulation).
- Listing of the Audit Trail data contained in the database.
- Filter settings for the table.
- Export the data as HTML, JSON or CSV.
Reset database
- Deleting all database entries and creating a new entry with information on the deletion process.