Single bar axis properties

Settings can be made separately for each available single bar axis here.

Single bar axis properties 1:


Canvas Color

Defines the color of the chart.


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Here you can switch the axis on or off completely. This functionality is also available via the context menu.


Here the name of the axis can be edited.

Show Title

Determines which title is displayed above the chart. This function is only displayed if there is only one axis group, or if the axis groups are not stacked.

Hide: no title is displayed

Custom: the value from the 'Title' setting is displayed

Name: the name of the axis group is selected

X-Axis Title: the title of the X-axis is reused

Y-Axis Title: the title of the Y-axis is reused

First Channel: the name of the first channel is reused

Below that, all channels are listed in order to select them explicitly.


If Shot Title is set to 'Custom', this title will be displayed above the chart.


Color (Y)

Color of the axis

Color Mode (X/Y)

Defines which color is displayed at the axis.

Custom: the value from the 'Color Mode' setting is displayed

First Channel: the name of the first channel is reused

Below that, all channels are listed in order to select them explicitly.

Inverted (Y)

Invert axis value.

Linewidth (Y)

Line width in pixels

Logarithmic (Y)

Switches between logarithmic and linear scaling of the axes.

Manual Max (Y)

If the Scale Mode is set to MinMax, the maximum value can be edited directly.

Manual Min (Y)

If the Scale Mode is set to MinMax, the minimum value can be edited directly.

Precision (Y)

Here you can specify the number of significant digits for the axis labeling. It corresponds to the number of visible digits on the axis.

Scale Mode (Y)

Two Auto Scale modes are available for selection. The default mode is AutoGrowOnly. This means the Y-axis always scales to the historic maximum, until a rescale is carried out for the current view. Alternatively, select AutoGrowNShrink. This mode always automatically adjusts the maximum of the Y-axis to the maximum in the current view (display width).

Show Title (Y)

Specifies whether the name of the axis is shown in the chart.

Title (Y)

Defines the name of the axis.

Visible (Y)

Specifies whether the axis is shown or hidden in the chart.


Grid Color (Y)

Color of the grid.

Grid Divisions (Y)

Maximum number of subdivisions. If there is not enough space for the selected number of ticks, these are automatically reduced in the chart.
In the case of logarithmic scaling the number of ticks depends on the displayed range of values and can thus deviate from the settings.

Grid Linewidth (Y)

Line width of the grid in pixels

Subgrid Divisions (Y)

Number of areas into which the main grid is subdivided by auxiliary lines.
In the case of logarithmic scaling the auxiliary lines for subdivision are shown only in the set number if the range of values per tick is precisely one decade. Otherwise the displayed auxiliary line shows the decades not displayed in the main grid.

Use Grid (Y)

The subdivision of the axis can be shown or hidden here.

Use Subgrid (Y)

Auxiliary lines for the finer Y-subdivision of the main grid can be shown or hidden here. These auxiliary lines have no axis labeling.

To change the settings for several axes at the same time, please refer to the chapter Multiple selection.

Context menu

You can find more information on this at Axes context menu.