Bode Plot - Architecture

Not only are signal curves represented in the TwinCAT Bode Plot, recording configurations are also created. For the creation of these configurations, it is important to be familiar with the architecture of the Bode Plot. The architecture is reflected in the tree structure within the Measurement Project in the Solution Explorer.

The architecture of a Bode project

Bode Plot - Architecture 1:


Measurement Bode Project: Bode Plot - Architecture 2:
The main level, in which several Bode (or Scope) projects can be inserted. The Bode projects within a Measurement project can be controlled independently of one another.

Bode Project: Bode Plot - Architecture 3:
All Bode Plots under a project are executed in parallel when a recording is started. If you click on a Bode project, the setting options are displayed in the Visual Studio Properties window.
See also: Bode Plot properties

Plot: Bode Plot - Architecture 4:
Every Bode Plot represents the connection with a drive axis. Several plots can exist in one Bode project.

The display area for a plot contains one chart each for the amplitude and phase responses, in which the already recorded or generated sets (characteristic curves) for the associated axis are displayed. While one recording is running, a third chart can also optionally be shown with the current actual and setpoint values.

Apart from the connection data for the drive axis, the parameters for the next recording are also set via the Bode Plot.

If you click on a Bode project, the setting options are displayed in the Visual Studio Properties window.
See also: Bode Plot properties

Set: Bode Plot - Architecture 5:
Each set corresponds to a recorded or generated frequency response and represents the resulting characteristic curves for amplitude and phase over frequency. Graphs can be displayed for the open and closed control loops, as well as for the link.

Distinction is made between three set types:

  • Record sets represent real recorded values
  • Filter sets represent the characteristic curve of a filter
  • Result sets represent the combination of two sets in order, for example, to get an idea of how a filter affects a frequency response.

Among other things, the appearance, e.g. color and line width, can be adjusted in the Properties window.

See also: Set properties


The interfaces for the control of the Bode Plot are divided into several individual windows (Tool windows) and their position and size are freely configurable.

Bode Plot - Architecture 6:

Overview of the individual windows:

Solution Explorer

Display of the project structure within a solution.

Error list

List of errors, warnings and messages. Each scope project lists the generated messages independently here. The messages for the respectively selected Scope can be deleted via the context menu item "Clear Error List".


The settings of the respective element that is marked in the Solution Explorer can be modified here.

Bode Plot editor

Representation of the individual plots of a Bode project. The plots can be displayed next to each other or in overlapping tabs within the project window, exactly like all other windows.


The options for creating or editing a Bode configuration are explained below. The way in which the properties of the respective elements can be changed is described in the description of the associated window.

Creation of a Measurement project

File → New → Project → TwinCAT Measurement → Selection of the desired template.

Bode Plot - Architecture 7:

List of the available templates:

Measurement Bode project

Appends a Measurement project containing a Bode project with a plot.

Empty Measurement project

Empty Measurement project. Scope configurations (.sv2 | .tcscope) or scope data (.svd) can subsequently be inserted here.

Measurement Scope project

Contains a Scope instance as well as a pre-configured chart and an axis.

Measurement Scope project with reporting

See "Measurement Scope project" + a ready-made printing template for printing charts.

Measurement Scope NC project

Contains a Scope instance that has been specially pre-configured for working with axes.

Addition of a Bode project to a Measurement project

Context menu of the Measurement project → Add → New Item… → selection of the desired template.

Bode Plot - Architecture 8:

List of the available templates:

Bode project

Standard Bode project with a Bode Plot

Context menu of the Measurement project → Add → Existing Item... → Selection of the desired file (.bodeproj)

Drag and drop the desired file (.bodeproj) onto the Measurement project in the Solution Explorer.

Addition of individual elements:

New Plot

Context menu of the Bode project instance → New Plot

New Filter Set

Context menu of the plot instance → New Filter Set

New Result Set

Context menu of the plot instance → New Result Set

Deletion of elements

  • Selection of the element in the Solution Explorer → [Del] key.
  • Context menu of the element → Delete

Saving a Bode configuration

File → Save (shortcut assigned by default: [Ctrl] + [S])
A file (.bodeproj) is saved in the project directory.