Variable Information

When you select a variable in the tree view, you will see dialogues giving information and settings options and an online dialogue with a Force Option below a task or an I/O device (in the following image, a PLC variable on the BC), on the right-hand side.

”Variable” tab

Variable Information 1:


Defines the name of the variable selected in the tree view.


Gives the Data Type of the current variable.


Informs whether the variable is an input or an output.


Gives the size of the variable in bytes.


Displays the addresses of the variables in the process image. If, as in the example, another external address is given (e.g. for variables in the Bus Terminal controller), the value must be added after "ext:" on the offset of the data exchange variables (as defined in "PLC" Dialogue).

User ID

A user-defined number for future System Manager functions.

Linked to

Indicates if applicable the variable linked with the selected variable. Actuate this button to display the Selection Diagram for the variable link.


User-defined comments field.

ADS Info

Provides information required to access selected variable via ADS (e.g. TwinCAT Scope View, …). The information comprises Port Number, Index Group, Index Offset and Variable Length in bytes.

”Flags” tab

Variable Information 2:


Actuate this to exchange the values of the lower and higher Byte within the 16Bit variable. The result will be available for the process image (e.g. required for some 3rd party Profibus devices).


Actuate this to exchange the values of the lower and higher Word within a 32Bit variable. The result will be available for the process image.

”Online” tab

Variable Information 3:


Shows the current value of the selected variable.


Displays the dialogue for forcing the variable. The overwritten value is retained until the command is cancelled using Remove or the TwinCAT system restarts. A forced variable value is shown in red.


Releases the variable to its regular process image value.


Displays the dialogue for changing the variable value to a user-defined value. In this case the value is overwritten just once for one task cycle.

Additionally, the variable value is shown in a graphical trace view (continuously), the so-called History View. This display gives an impression about time-based value changes of a variable. Additional infos about the History View can be found under: Settings for History View.