TwinCAT Scope2 Architecture

When configuring a Scope View, the following elements are available in hierarchical order:

TwinCAT Scope2 Architecture 1:


Each of the above elements is assigned a window with settings. These windows can be opened by double-clicking on the corresponding Object browser element or via the View menu.

The scope windows can be arranged in any order and size, in the center of the main window. It is also possible to position them one after the other as tabs. Within the area spanned for a scope, the same counts for the connected chart windows. All other windows can be snapped to the edges or arranged as a separate window on the screen. Here, too, several windows can be placed one behind the other as tab. If you press the push pin button in the header of a window, it will be mined to the corresponding edge, and when you touch it with the mouse, it will temporarily slide into the image.

All property windows are explained in one of the other menu items.


The options for creating or editing a Scope configuration are explained below. The way in which the properties of the respective elements can be changed is described in the description of the associated window.

To add elements:

To remove elements:

Moving / copying individual elements:

Saving a Scope configuration

Scope View 2 uses an XML description with the file extension .sv2 as the configuration format.

Loading a Scope configuration

Saving data (always with configuration)

Loading data files

Deactivating / activating a channel

A channel can be disabled in the configuration in order to prevent it being recorded. However, it is retained when saving the configuration.