Y-Axis Settings
To configure axis settings open the Axis Style window. The active axis is selectable in the drop-down field on the top.
- Show Name: Show or hide the axis name in the drawing field.
- Comment A free editable comment string.
Axis Style
- Visible: Show / Hide the axis in the chart.
- Color: The axis color.
- LineWidth: The width of the axis in pixel.
Ticks: The maximum number of seperations on the axis. If
there is not enough space to display all ticks, they´ll be reduced
in the chart.
If logarithmic is activated the amount of visible ticks depends on the displayed value range and may be different from the set amount.
- Grid: Enables or disables the x-grid.
- Line Width: Width of the gridlines in pixel.
- SubGrid: Enables the subgrid.
Divisions: Set the amount of the subgrid
If logarithmic is activated, the subgrid will show the set amount of divisions only if the value range per tick is equals one decade. Else the subgrid will show the missing decades of the main grid. - Color: The grid-color.
- Auto: Enables / Disables the Autoscaling. Using the auto scale mode, the axis minimum (and maximum) is set to a stored value smaller (or greater) then the smallest (greatest) off all associated channels.
- Rescale:On a rescale the extremes are reset to the actual channels extremes.
- Min / Max: If auto scale mode isn’t selected the axis minimum and maximum are editable in the text boxes.
- Logarithmic: Switch between logarithmic and linearly scaling of the axis.