
MP_VRU_Process 1:

This function block is suitable for VAV actuators VRU-D3-BAC, VRU-M1-BAC and VRU-M1R-BAC (max. 8 slaves). For more information please visit

MP_Address is used to specify the MP-Bus device with which the function block is to communicate. bStart activates communication with the MP-Bus device. bBusy indicates that the function block is active. If bStart remains TRUE, the device is addressed cyclically with a period specified by the time in TMPolling. The time should be set longer than 1 s. bError is used to indicate an error in communication with the actuator. The type of the error can be read with iErrorId.


MP_Address         : USINT := 1;
bStart             : BOOL;
strDataKL6771      : DataKL6771;
TMpolling          : TIME := t#10s;
rSetpoint          : LREAL;
nOverrideControl   : E_MP_VRU_OverrideControl;
nCommand           : E_MP_VRU_Command;
nDataRead          : BYTE;

MP_Address: MP-Bus address of the slave.

bStart: a positive edge starts the function block. If this remains continuously TRUE, the function block will be activated cyclically with a period specified by the time in TMPolling.

strDataKL6771: the data structure with which the KL6771 function block must be linked (see DataKL6771).

TMpolling: the time for which the function block should address the actuator. Default 10 s, minimum time 1 s.

rSetpoint: value in % (0...100 %).

nOverrideControl: override the setpoint.

nCommand: command for service and test functions of the actuator.

nDataRead: 0xFF - read all data; bit 0 - read relative position; bit 1 - read absolute position; bit 2 - read relative volume flow rate; bit 3 - read absolute volume flow rate; bit 4 - read value sensor 1; bit 5 - read analog setpoint; bit 6 - read relative differential pressure; bit 7 - read absolute differential pressure


bBusy                  : BOOL;
bError                 : BOOL;
iErrorId               : MP_Error;
strMP_Serial_Number    : MP_Serial_Number;
st_MP_VRU_ServiceInfo  : St_MP_VRU_ServiceInfo;
rSetpoint_Read         : LREAL;
nOverrideControl_Read  : E_MP_VRU_OverrideControl;
nCommand_Read          : E_MP_VRU_Command;
rRelativePosition      : LREAL;
rAbsolutePosition      : LREAL;
rRelativeVolumeticFlow : LREAL;
rAbslouteVolumeticFlow : LREAL;
rSensor1Value          : LREAL;
rSetpointAnalog        : LREAL;
rRelativeDeltaPressure : LREAL;
rAbsoluteDeltaPressure : LREAL;

bBusy: This bit is set for as long as the block is active.

bError: The output becomes TRUE as soon as an error occurs. The error is described via the variable iErrorId.

iErrorId: The output issues an error code when an error occurs (see MP_ERROR). Simultaneously bError is TRUE.

strMP_Serial_Number: Structure for serial number.

st_MP_VRU_ServiceInfo: Malfunction and Service Information.

rSetpoint_Read: Setpoint.

nOverrideControl_Read: Override Control.

nCommand_Read: Command.

rRelativePosition: Relative Position in %. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).

rAbsolutePosition: Absolute Position in °. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).

rRelativeVolumeticFlow: Relative Volumetic Flow in %. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).

rAbslouteVolumeticFlow: Absloute Volumetic Flow in m³/h. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).

rSensor1Value: Sensor 1 Value in mV/Ohm. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).

rSetpointAnalog: Setpoint Analog in %. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).

rRelativeDeltaPressure: Relative Delta Pressure in %. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).

rAbsoluteDeltaPressure: Absolute Delta Pressure in Pa. Value of -1 means data are disabled (see VAR_INPUT nDataRead).