Library error messages.

  NO_MP_ERROR                              := 0,
  WRONG_TERMINAL                           := 1,
  NO_ANSWER_FROM_KL6771                    := 2,
  NO_LINK_TO_STRUCTURE_strDataKL6771       := 3,
  WRONG_MP_ADDRESS_IS_0                    := 10,
  WRONG_MP_ADDRESS                         := 11,
  WRONG_SET_POINT                          := 21,
  MP_BUS_SETPOINT_DIFF_TOO_HIGH            := 26,
  KL6771_TIME_OUT                          := 31,
  MP_ADDRESS_IS_IN_USE                     := 32,
  MP_DISABLED                              := 33,
  MP_BUS_ERROR                             := 87,
  MP_NO_ANSWER_ON_EVENT                    := 88,
  MP_NO_ANSWER                             := 89,
  MP_COM_BREAK                             := 90,
  MP_LENGTH_PARITY_ERROR                   := 98,
  MP_CROSS_PARITY_ERROR                    := 99,
  MP_MASTER_CONFLICT_ERROR                 := 101,
  MP_GAP_TIMEOUT_ERROR                     := 102,
  MP_NO_ANSWER_SLAVE                       := 103,
  MP_ANSWER_ERROR_FLAG                     := 110,
  MP_ANSWER_WRONG_LEN                      := 111,
  MP_ANSWER_WRONG_TELEG                    := 112,
  MP_ANSWER_WITH_ERROR                     := 115,
  MP_ERROR_WrongDeviceFamily               := 200,
  MP_CONF_ERROR_CO2LimitGood               := 300,
  MP_CONF_ERROR_CO2LimitModerate           := 301,
  MP_CONF_ERROR_CO2Limit                   := 302
  MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_CO2_OFFSET           := 305,
  MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_TempSetpoint         := 306,
  MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_RelativeTempSetpoint := 307,
  MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_DefaultTempSetpoint  := 308,
  MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_TempSetpointRange    := 309,
  MP_ANSWER_Reserve                        := 16#800A,
  MP_ANSWER_UnknowCommand                  := 16#800B,
  MP_ANSWER_WrongOrNoPassword              := 16#800C,
  MP_ANSWER_CommandExecution               := 16#800D,
  MP_ANSWER_ParameterError                 := 16#800E,
  MP_ANSWER_UnknowId                       := 16#800F,
  MP_ANSWER_SizeMismatch                   := 16#8010,
  MP_ANSWER_IllegalBlockNr                 := 16#8011,
  MP_ANSWER_InternalBusBusy                := 16#8012,
  MP_ANSWER_ReservedForFuture              := 16#80FF

NO_MP_ERROR: No error.

WRONG_TERMINAL: Wrong terminal connected.

NO_ANSWER_FROM_KL6771: No answer from KL6771. This message usually means that there is no connection to the terminal. Are the I/O variables of the terminal linked? Terminal plugged in incorrectly? Everything revised, compiled and read again?

NO_LINK_TO_STRUCTURE_strDataKL6771: Check link to structure DataKL6771.

WRONG_MP_ADDRESS_IS_0: MP-Bus address is 0. Only addresses between 1 and 8 are allowed.

WRONG_MP_ADDRESS: MP-Bus address is >8. Only addresses between 1 and 8 are allowed.

WRONG_SET_POINT: Wrong setpoint.

MP_BUS_TIMEOUT_NO_ANSWER_FROM_SLAVE: MP-Bus timeout, no answer from slave.

MP_BUS_SETPOINT_DIFF_TOO_HIGH: Difference from setpoint too high.

KL6771_TIME_OUT: KL6771 timeout.

MP_ADDRESS_IS_IN_USE: MP-Bus address is in use.

MP_DISABLED: MP-Bus disabled.

MP_BUS_ERROR: MP-Bus error.

MP_NO_ANSWER_ON_EVENT: MP-Bus no answer on event.

MP_NO_ANSWER: MP-Bus no answer.

MP_COM_BREAK: MP-Bus communication break.

MP_LENGTH_PARITY_ERROR: MP-Bus length parity error.

MP_CROSS_PARITY_ERROR: MP-Bus cross parity error.



MP_NO_ANSWER_SLAVE: MP-Bus no answer from slave.

MP_ANSWER_ERROR_FLAG: MP-Bus error bit in the answer telegram is set.

MP_ANSWER_WRONG_LEN: MP-Bus wrong telegram length.

MP_ANSWER_WRONG_TELEG: MP-Bus wrong telegram received.

MP_ANSWER_WITH_ERROR: MP-Bus answer contains an error.

MP_ERROR_WrongDeviceFamily: Wrong device family.

MP_CONF_ERROR_CO2LimitGood: Configuration error for CO2 limit "Good".

MP_CONF_ERROR_CO2LimitModerate: Configuration error for CO2 limit "Moderate".

MP_CONF_ERROR_CO2Limit: Configuration error for CO2 limit.

MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_TEMP_OFFSET: Configuration error for temperature offset.

MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_HUMIDITY_OFFSET: Configuration error for humidity offset.

MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_CO2_OFFSET: Configuration error for CO2 offset.

MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_TempSetpoint: Configuration error for temperature setpoint.

MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_RelativeTempSetpoint: Configuration error for relative temperature setpoint.

MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_DefaultTempSetpoint: Configuration error for default temperature setpoint.

MP_CONF_ERROR_WRONG_TempSetpointRange: Configuration error for temperature setpoint range.

MP_ANSWER_Reserve: Reserve.

MP_ANSWER_UnknowCommand: Unknown command.

MP_ANSWER_WrongOrNoPassword: Wrong or no password.

MP_ANSWER_CommandExecution: Execution of the command.

MP_ANSWER_ParameterError: Parameter error.

MP_ANSWER_UnknowId: Unknown Id.

MP_ANSWER_SizeMismatch: Size does not match.

MP_ANSWER_IllegalBlockNr: Invalid block number.

MP_ANSWER_InternalBusBusy: Internal bus is busy.

MP_ANSWER_ReservedForFuture: Reserve.