The MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed function is used to feed set values from an external setpoint generator to an axis. The function copies the data into the cyclic axis interface instantaneously (fExtSetPos, fExtSetVelo, fExtSetAcc and nExtSetDirection). The MC_ExtSetPointGenFeed function result is not used and therefore always FALSE.
An external setpoint generator is usually a PLC function block that calculates cyclic set values for an axis and can therefore substitute the internal setpoint generator in an NC axis.
Additional information can be found under MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable and MC_ExtSetPointGenDisable.
Position : LREAL;
Velocity : LREAL;
Acceleration : LREAL;
Direction : DINT;
Name | Type | Description |
Position | LREAL | Set position from an external setpoint generator |
Velocity | LREAL | Set velocity from an external setpoint generator |
Acceleration | LREAL | Set acceleration from an external setpoint generator |
Direction | DINT | Set direction from an external setpoint generator. ( -1 = negative direction, 0 = standstill, 1 = positive direction) |
Axis : AXIS_REF;
Name | Type | Description |
Axis | Axis data structure that unambiguously addresses an axis in the system. Among other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error state. |
Development environment | Target system type | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v3.0.0 | PC or CX (x86 or x64) | Tc2_MC2 |