The F_CreateDpv1WriteReqPkg function generates a DPV1 telegram for a FB_Dpv1Write of one or more parameters of a drive or the controller unit of a Sinamics Profidrive (Profidrive Specification 3.1). As Profidrives use the Motorola format and IPCs the Intel format, the function automatically swaps the byte order in the DPV1 telegram of parameters with data types with more than one byte.
The function returns the actual length of the DPV1 telegram in bytes (max. 240 bytes).
FUNCTION F_CreateDpv1WriteReqPkg : USINT
pDpv1ReqData : POINTER TO ARRAY [1..iMAX_DPV1_SIZE] OF BYTE;(* DPV1 read request *)
iNumOfParams : USINT; (* 1..39; else: reserved *)
iDriveId : USINT;
Name | Type | Description |
pDpv1ReqData | ARRAY OF BYTE | Pointer to an array of 240 bytes containing the DPV1 write telegram. This telegram is created by the function. |
iNumOfParams | USINT | Number of parameters to be written (1 to 39). A further limitation is the telegram size of 240 bytes. |
iDriveID | USINT | The ID is 1 for the ControllerUnit, 2 for the drive object A, 3 for the drive object B of a double/triple drive. The drive ID is set in the starter software. 1..16 is possible. |
stDpv1Parameter : ARRAY [1..iMAX_DPV1_PARAMS] OF ST_Dpv1ParamAddrEx;(* list of parameters *)
stDpv1ValueHeaderEx : ARRAY [1..iMAX_DPV1_PARAMS] OF ST_Dpv1ValueHeaderEx;(* list of values *)
Name | Type | Description |
stDpv1Parameter | Array of 39 parameters to be added to the DPV1 read telegram. | |
stDpv1ValueHeaderEx | Array of 39 parameter values to be added to the DPV1 write telegram. |
Development environment |
Target platform |
IO hardware |
PLC libraries to be integrated (category group) |
TwinCAT v3.1.0 |
PC or CX (x86) |
Beckhoff FC310x PCI, CX1500-M310, EL6731 |
Tc2_IoFunctions (IO) |