FB_AX2000_AXACT 1:


    stPZDIN    : ST_PZD_IN;
    stPZDOUT   : ST_PZD_OUT;

stPZDIN : Data words from the drive to the PLC (type: ST_PZD_IN).

stPZDOUT: Data words from the PLC to the drive (type: ST_PZD_OUT).


    bMode_DigitalSpeed : BOOL;(*OP-Mode digital speed instead of Positioning*)
    iDigitalSpeed      : DWORD;(*digital speed if OP-Mode = digital speed*)
    iVelocity          : DWORD;(*Velocity*)
    iPosition          : DINT;(*Position*)
    imotion_tasknumber : WORD;(*number of EEPROM-saved motion-task*)
    imotion_blocktype  : WORD;(*optional Parameters of motion tasks*)
    bStart             : BOOL;(*START*)
    bStop              : BOOL;(*STOP*)
    bShortStop         : BOOL;(*1: break of motion task, 0: continue same motion task*)
    bErrorResume       : BOOL;(*Error resume*)
    tTimeOut           : TIME := DEFAULT_ADS_TIMEOUT;

bMode_DigitalSpeed: This is set if the drive is to be placed in the ‘digital speed’ operating mode during the initialization.

iDigitalSpeed: Speed in the ‘digital speed’ operating mode.

iVelocity : The parameter contains the required transport speed for a following transport instruction, e.g. µm/s.

iPosition: Target position in physical magnitudes, e.g. µm, degrees

imotion_tasknumber : Travel block number. This input can be used to select a travel block that has previously been stored in the drive's memory.

imotion_blocktype: Travel block type (optional). This input can be used to modify properties of a direct travel command.

bStart: A rising edge at this boolean input sends a start command to the axis.

bStop : A rising edge at this boolean input sends a stop command to the axis. The axis stops and enters the "disabled" state.

bShortStop : A rising edge at this boolean input sends a stop command to the axis. The axis stops but remains in the "enabled" state.

bErrorResume : A rising edge at this boolean input resets an "AX200X error" (not a time-out error).

tTimeOut: Maximum time allowed for the execution of the command.


    bBusy       : BOOL;
    bError      : BOOL;(*Errorstatus of Servo*)
    bTimeOutErr : BOOL;

bBusy: This output remains TRUE until the block has executed a command. While Busy = TRUE, no new command will be accepted at the inputs. Please note that it is not the execution of the service but its acceptance whose time is monitored.

bError: This output shows the error status.

bTimeOutErr : TimeOut error.


Development environment

Target platform

IO hardware

PLC libraries to be integrated (category group)

TwinCAT v3.1.0

PC or CX (x86)

AX2000 Profibus box

Tc2_IoFunctions (IO)