

This event method is called on all clients that implement and connect this event interface when all active events are cleared. This method is called after a call of ITcEventLog::ClearActiveEvents or from the PLC function block ADSCLEAREVENTS with the iMode set to TCEVENTLOGIOFFS_CLEARACTIVE or TCEVENTLOGIOFFS_CLEARALL and on shutdown of the TwinCAT system.

HRESULT OnActiveEventsCleared();



Function was successfully called

Visual Basic sample code

Option Explicit

Dim WithEvents evtLogger As TCEVENTLOGGERLib.TcEventLog

' form load
Private Sub Form_Load()
  ' get the one and only event logger
  Set evtLogger = New TcEventLog
End Sub

' event method
Private Sub evtLogger_OnActiveEventsCleared()
  Debug.Print "Active Event are cleared!"
End Sub