

This event method is called on all clients that implement and connect this event interface when a new event is issued. The event had been issued from the PLC function block ADSLOGEVENT by setting the flag from FALSE to TRUE (or other ADS device) or the from a call to a Report Event Function like ITcEventLogC::ReportEvent,ITcEventC3::ReportEventEx or ITcEventLog::ReportEvent.

HRESULT OnNewEvent([in] IDispatch*



[in] IDispatch pointer to a new event object of the class TvEvent. The event object provides the full access to the new issue event. Each client receives a reference to the event object and no copy.

Return Values


Function was successfully called


evtObj was no valid pointer.

Visual Basic sample code

Option Explicit

Dim WithEvents evtLogger As TCEVENTLOGGERLib.TcEventLog

' form load
Private Sub Form_Load()
  ' get the one and only event logger
  Set evtLogger = New TcEventLog
End Sub

' event method
Private Sub evtLogger_OnNewEvent(ByVal evtObj As Object)
  Dim evt As TcEvent
  Set evt = evtObj
  ' print the message string in English
  Debug.Print evt.GetMsgString(1033)
End Sub