Requesting for offsets, command and actual values
The NC commands described in the following trigger jobs to include offsets, command and actual values of the interpolator into the operating data of the NC program interpreter. This data can be accessed by variables in the NC-program.
Offsets, command and actual values of path axes can be requested only. Axes that are operated as rotatory modulo axis or spindles (M3, M4, M5, M19, S...) are not considered in the following commands.
Synchronization between NC program interpreter and interpolator is the same in the case of all NC-commands described. The job is complete only after all data has been accepted in the working data of the NC program interpreter, and the coding of the NC-program is continued.
Further Information
- Requesting for current offsets and filling them into V.A.SOFFS[ ]
- Requesting for current command positions and filling them into V.A.ABS[ ]
- Requesting for current actual positions and filling them into V.A.ABS[ ]
- Requesting for current command positions of specific axes and filling them into self-defined variables or into parameters