Polynom contouring (G61, G261, G260)

G61 Polynom contouring (at block end) (non-modal)

...or for polynomic contouring over several blocks:

G261 Selection of polynomic contouring (at block end) (modal)
G260 Deselection of polynomic contouring (modal)

"Polynom contouring" is the curvature and direction-continuous connection of two traverse blocks. For this purpose, the programmed traverse blocks are shortened. Between the blocks, a contour curve is added. This process permits contouring between the transitions straight line - straight line, straight line - circle and circle – circle (Fig. 4.28). It is not restricted to a particular plane, but rather allows the contouring between curves located anywhere in 3D-space.

Polynom contouring (G61, G261, G260) 1:
Fig. 4.28: Examples of polynomic contouring

Following types of contouring are available:

Depending on the contouring type different parameters can be given, which characterize a contour curve. The parameters remain valid as long as the contour process has been completely executed. If the contour parameters between the pre-block and the post-block are altered then the change affects only the next contouring process.