User data of an error message
Error number | |
Description | Unique error number. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.ErrorId |
Data type | UDINT |
Access | PLC reads |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Module name of the module signalling an error | |
Description | Module name of the module signalling an error |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.ModulName |
Data type | STRING(GCW_250_HLIFileNameLaengeMinus1) |
Access | PLC reads |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Line number | |
Description | Line number in the module on which the error has occurred. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.Line |
Data type | INT |
Access | PLC reads |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Error number of a utility function | |
Description | Error number when using a utility function. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.UtilErrorId |
Data type | UDINT |
Access | PLC reads |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Module name of the module with utility function signalling an error | |
Description | Module name of the module with utility function signalling an error |
Information flow | CNC -> PLC |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.UtilModulName |
Data type | STRING(GCW_250_HLIFileNameLaengeMinus1) |
Access | PLC reads |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Line number of a utility function | |
Description | Line number of the line at which the error in a module with utility function has occurred. |
ST path | PMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.UtilLine |
Data type | INT |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Multiple error number | |
Description | Error messages may be issued at several different points of the NC kernel. A unique multiple error number is issued for the purposes of distinction in the case of multiple usage. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.MultipleId |
Data type | UINT |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Type of task able function | |
Description | Type of taskable function in which an error has occurred. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.BFType |
Data type | UINT |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Channel number | |
Description | Channel number of the channel in which the signalled error has occurred. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.CncChannel |
Data type | UINT |
Communication ID | |
Description | Communication ID of the BF signalling an error in the CNC |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.KommuId |
Data type | UINT |
Access | PLC reads |
Characteristics | Is used for internal diagnostic purposes. |
Time specification with an error message: (???) | |
Description | Date of the instant of the error message |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.FbZeitangabe.DateCounter |
Data type | UDINT |
Characteristics | Currently not implemented, value is always 0. |
Time specification of an error message: Interrupt cycles since system start | |
Description | Number of interrupt cycles since system start at the instant of an error message |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.FbZeitangabe.ZyklCounter |
Data type | UDINT |
Access | PLC reads |
Version name CNC | |
Description | Version name of the CNC specified in the error message. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.VersionName |
Data type | STRING(GCW_250_HLIIntfVersNameLaengeMin1) |
Recovery class | |
Description | Recovery class of an error |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.BehebungsKlasse |
Data type | UINT |
Value range | [0 ..8] |
Reaction class of an error | |
Description | Reaction class of an error |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.ReaktionsKlasse |
Data type | UINT |
Value range | [0..8] |
Body type of an error | |
Description | Body type of an error. Depending on the error type, the error record body contains further information on the error which has occurred. The individual structure elements are described in [DIAG]. |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Kopf.RumpfTyp |
Value range | 1 = HLI_RumpfTypNcProg, 2 = HLI_RumpfTypMds 3 = HLI_RumpfTypKommu 4 = HLI_RumpfTypRamDisk 5 = HLI_RumpfTypFile 6 = HLI_RumpfTypIntprFile 7 = HLI_RumpfTypListeBinaer 8 = HLI_RumpfTypGcm 9 = HLI_RumpfTypLeer 10 = HLI_RumpfTypHLI |
Characteristics |
- User data of an error message, body nc program
- User data of an error message, body machine data
- User data of an error message, body communication
- User data of an error message, body RAM disk
- User data of an error message, body file
- User data of an error message, body interprete file list
- User data of an error message, body binary list
- User data of an error message, body global channel manager
- Addition errror information value 1 - 5