User data of an error message, body interprete file list
Binary list | |
Description | Error information in relation to ASCII update of paramter list |
Data type | RumpfIntprFile |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Rumpf.Maske.NCProg |
| |
Description | File name |
ST path | .FileName |
Data type | STRING(GCW_250_HLIProgNameLaengeMinus1) |
Value range |
| |
Description | File offset in bytes |
ST path | .FileOffset |
Data type | UDINT |
Value range |
| |
Description | Linenumber in actual file |
ST path | .FileLine |
Data type | UDINT |
Value range |
| |
Description | List type |
ST path | .ListenTyp |
Data type | UINT |
Value range | 1 = manual mode parameter list 2 = channel parameter list 3 = axis parameter list 4 = zero point parameter list 5 = tool parameter list 6 = clamp position offset parameter list 7 = start up parameter list 9 = axis compensation parameter list |
| |
Description | Name of wrong structure |
ST path | .StruktName |
Data type | STRING(GCW_250_HLIStruktNameLaengeMinus1) |
Value range |