Addition errror information value 1 - 5
Additional error information | |
Description | Individual error information |
Data type | WertB |
ST path | pMC[channel_idx]^.addr^.MCErrorSatz_Data.SatzR.Rumpf.Wert1 ... Wert5 |
| |
Description | Type of data |
ST path | .Typ |
Data type | INT |
Value range | 1 = BOOL 2 = USINT 3 = SINT 4 = SINT 5 = INT 6 = UDINT 7 = DINT 10 = LREAL 19 = STRING |
| |
Description | Dimension of data |
ST path | .Dimension |
Data type | INT |
Value range | 1 = Position 2 = Velocity 3 = Acceleration 4 = Jerk 5 = Time 6 = Per cent 7 = Address 8 = Inkrements 9 = Revolution 10 = Cutting velocity |
| |
Description | Meaning of data |
ST path | .Bedeutung |
Data type | INT |
Value range | 1 = limit 2 = actual value 3 = wrong value 4 = expected value 5 = corrected value 6 = logical axis id 7 = drive type 8 = logical control element 9 = state 10 = transition 11 = sender 12 = class 13 = instance 14 = indent number 15 = status 16 = ring 17 = block number |
| |
Description | Content of data |
ST path | .Inhalt |
Data type | (as union, must be type casted corresponding to type of data) |