Writing of drive values by bit mask (P-AXIS-00429)

With this parameter the bitmask that must be used if bitwise writing is defined.

If the value programmed in the #DRIVE-command is greater than zero the bits defined in the bitmask are set, for a programmed value of zero the bits are reset.

This parameter is used it the data type set up only if P-AXIS-00399 has either the value BITARRAY_16 or BITARRAY_32.

The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to the maximum value defined by setting P-AXIS-00399, otherwise error message P-ERR-70403 is output.

Variable name


Permissible range

Axis type




Depends onP-AXIS-00399:

BITARRAY_16: - Bit mask 16 Bit - 0 ... MAX(UNS16)

BITARRAY_32: - Bit mask 32 Bit - 0 ... MAX(UNS32)

