Denominator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward (P-AXIS-00338)

With this parameter the denominator of the scaling factor for jerk feedforward is is set. The scaling factor for jerk feedforward is defined as:

jerk_fact = P-AXIS-00337/P-AXIS-00038

The output of the jerk feedforward command value to the drive has to be activated by setting bit 0x04 in axis parameter P-AXIS-00223.

Denominator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward (P-AXIS-00338) 1:

Jerk feedforward is only possible if a jerk limited acceleration profile is used. For non jerk limited acceleration profiles a jerk command value of 0 is output.Further informations on the definition of the acceleration profile to use can be found in P-CHAN-00071 and [PROG - command #SET SLOPE PROFIL].

Denominator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward (P-AXIS-00338) 2:

A value of zero is inadmissible for this parameter. If zero is set up as value an error message with error-id 110473 is output and the parameter is set to its default value (100). See also[DIAG].

Variable name


Permissible range

Axis type




0 < jerk_fact_denom < MAX(UNS32)

T, R, S
