Selection of the operating mode
#SET SLOPE PROFIL [ [<Profil> [,<t_id>,<a_id>] ] ] (modal)
<profile> Type of acceleration profile:
Profile | Significance |
0 | Step-shaped acceleration profile (default) |
1 | Trapezoidal acceleration profile |
2 | Square-sinusoidal acceleration profile |
3 | HSC slope, is recommended for "Extended HSC programming" |
The programming of #SET SLOPE PROFIL without any declarations restores the basic state (like after start-up), this means as default the slope type of the channel parameters[1]-26 is used.
![]() | * The use of this feature for the selection of profile type 3 (HSC slope) requires the licence for the extension package "HSC". This feature is not included in the scope of the standard licence. |
<t_id> Determines, on which ramp times the weighting of ramping times (G132/ G133) is effecting. The weighting is included in the calculation only in respect of trapezoidal or square-sinusoidal acceleration profiles.
ID | Significance |
0 | Weighting of ramping time effects on all ramping times (default). |
1 | Weighting of ramping time effects on TR,accel,incr |
2 | Weighting of ramping time effects on TR,accel,decr |
3 | Weighting of ramping time effects on TR,braking,incr |
4 | Weighting of ramping time effects on TR,braking,decr |
<a_id> Determines, on which accelerations the weighting of acceleration (G130/ G131) is effecting.
ID | Significance |
0 | Weighting of acceleration effects on all accelerations (default). |
1 | Weighting of acceleration effects on aaccel |
2 | Weighting of acceleration effects on abraking |
For step-shaped acceleration profile aaccel = abraking is valid. The weighting of acceleration generally includes both the parameters.
Programming example 1
N10 G01 X50 Y10 Z0 F1000 (step-shaped acceleration profile)
N20 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1] (trapezoidal acceleration profile)
N30 X10 Y30
N40 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[2] (sinusoidal acceleration profile)
N50 X15
N60 Y50
N70 M30
On the programmed path, the following velocity progress is obtained:

The individual ramping times and accelerations of the acceleration profile can be weighted differently at the same time. To reach this, the programming of each weighting must be done in a single step.
In the following example the segments of the trapezoidal acceleration profile of single axes (X, Y) are defined with different weightings.
Then, for all axes (in this example X, Y, Z, A) a specific ramping time and a specific acceleration is defined.
Programming example2
:N10 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1,1,0] (Weighting
effects on TR,accel,incr)N15 G132 X75 Y65 (Weighting of
ramping time TR,accel,incr of)
(X-axis on 75%, Y-axis
on 65%)N20 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1,2,0] (Weighting
effects on TR,accel,decr)N25 G132 X50 Y100 (Weighting of
ramping time TR,accel,decr of)
(X-axis on
50%,resetting of Y-axis on 100%)
(to overwrite the modal value of N15
(65%) )N30 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1,3,0] (Weighting
effects on TR,braking,incr)N35 G132 X25 (Weighting of
ramping time TR,braking,incr of)
(X- axis on
25%)N40 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1,1,1] (Weighting
effects on aaccel)N45 G130 X75 (Weighting of
acceleration aaccel of)
(X- axis on
75%)N50 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1,4,0] (Weighting
effects on TR,braking,decr)N55 G133
80 (Weighting of ramping time
TR,braking,decr of all)
(axes on
80%)N60 #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1,1,2] (Weighting
effects on abraking)N65 G131 66 (Weighting of
acceleration abraking of all)
(axes on 66%):N.. G01 X.. Y.. F..:N.. #SET SLOPE PROFIL[1,0,0] (trapezoidal
acceleration profile)N.. G133 100 G131 100
(Resetting of weighting of ramping time-/)
(and acceleration for all axes on
:N.. G01 X.. Y.. F..:N999 M30
Weighting of the acceleration profile segments for the axes X, Y, Z, A up to block N65:
Profile Axis | T R,accel,incr | T R,accel,decr | T R,braking,incr | T R,braking,decr | a accel | a braking |
X | 75% | 50% | 25% | 80% | 75% | 66% |
Y | 65% | 100% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 66% |
Z | 100% | 100% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 66% |
A | 100% | 100% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 66% |