Functional description
The template captures a binary input value of a Bus Terminal. In addition, the process value bPrVal of the BI object is evaluated and recorded and processed by the alarm function block AlmBI.
Based on the change of state at the BI object, specified properties of other objects can be written via the group order object CMD.
Block diagram
PLT_NUM : BYTE := 1;
PLT_NUM: all alarms and events of all plant components within a controller are included in a global alarm and event list. The assignment of events and alarms to a plant is defined by the assignment of a PLT_NUM plant number.
The recording and processing of an alarm from an aggregate or a device takes place within the templates by means of the alarm function block FB_BA_Alarm.
The evaluation of the alarms of a plant, e.g. for the generation of a collective message or for plant shutdown in case of relevant faults, takes place within the template BAC_PltAlm_01 by means of the function block FB_BA_AlarmPlt.
The evaluation of different plant events within the templates of a plant, takes place within the template BAC_PltComnMsg_01 by means of the function block FB_BA_ComnMsg.
Important! The assignment and evaluation of the alarms and events of a plant can only be done correctly if all templates of a plant have the same plant number!
The plant number can be assigned in the Project Builder in the parameter menu for the templates or via a column in the Excel import.
Program description
Instance | Type | optional | Task |
BI |
| Binary Input Object | |
AlmBI |
| Logging and further processing of the process value BI_bPrVal | |
CMD | FB_BACnet_Command_Ex |
| Group order object |
IO linking
Variables for linking with the terminals
Parameter | Type | optional | Process image |
BI_DigitalInput | BOOL |
| Input | Digital input Bus Terminal |
Version history
Version number | Comments |
---|---| | First release |