
Alarm output function block with selectable alarm memory and internal acknowledgement.
The acknowledgement pulse is generated in FB_BA_AlarmPlt. It is internally passed to the collective alarm function blocks of a plant.

FB_BA_Alarm 1:

FB_BA_Alarm 2:



bEvt         : BOOL;
sMsgTxt      : STRING;
byPrio       : BYTE;
byPltId      : BYTE;
bAckReq      : BOOL;

bEvt: input for detecting the alarm

sMsgTxt: input field for message text (configurable via Project Builder or Excel import)

byPrio: defines the action that is to be triggered when the alarm occurs in relation to the control of the respective plant.
byPrio = 0 = no message = ALM_PRIO_EMPTY
byPrio = 1 = various messages = ALM_PRIO_NOTE
byPrio = 2 = warning = ALM_PRIO_WARNING
byPrio = 3 = alarm without shutdown = ALM_PRIO_ALARM
byPrio = 4 = alarm with shutdown = ALM_PRIO_CRITICAL , sets the output bCriticalAlm of the function block FB_BA_AlarmPlt.

byPltId: number of the corresponding plant. Important: All templates of plant must be assigned to the same plant number in the PLC!

bAckReq:TRUE = requires acknowledgement. Is the alarm requires acknowledgement, it is not removed from the alarm list until the plant operator acknowledges the alarm.


bQ       : BOOL;
eState   : E_BA_AlmSta;
bAckFlg  : BOOL;

bQ: Alarm output

eState: Enumerator status of the alarm messages

bAckFlg: When an acknowledgement is triggered, this output is active for one cycle. The pulse can be used to acknowledge faults. The acknowledgement pulse is generated in FB_BA_AlarmPlt. It is internally passed to the collective alarm function blocks of a plant.


Development environment

Target system

required library

required supplement

TwinCAT 2.11 R3/x64


TcBA library from V1.0.0

TS8040 | TwinCAT Building Automation from V1.0.0