Auto-start function
The auto-start function is activated by setting bit RP0.R32.0 in the feature register.
This function offers the user the possibility to carry out fast and simple positioning, independent of the PLC. Digital input 1 is used as preselection for the set position value. Like for a normal motion command, the user must enter the set position in registers R2 and R3. Enable is then affected by setting bit CB.4 in the control byte. Depending on the state of digital input 1, the stepper motor travels to the following positions:
- the position specified in R2 and R3 if digital input 1 = High-potential (24 V),
- back to position 0 if digital input 1 = Low-potential (0 V).
The digital input may change its state during the motion. The terminal detects such a change immediately, stops the motor and affects travels in the other direction. The terminal signals reaching of the target position by setting bit SW.3 of the status word.
It the stepper motor is between position 0 and the upper target position (specified through R2 and R3), it starts immediately when bit CB.4 is activated!
Before the activation it is advisable to cancel the current position and set input 1 to low potential.
Ensure that your system state permits this and that hazards for persons or machinery have been ruled out!