Velocity, with ramps
This mode is intended for simple motor control from a conventional PLC (not NC).
The stepper motor terminal follows the velocity specifications for the PLC, taking into account ramps, which the terminal determines based on the parameters maximum velocity (RP0.R39), maximum acceleration (RP0.R40) and minimum velocity (RP0.R38). These parameters can be deposited in the terminal registers via register communication or parameterized via the KS2000 configuration software.
The terminal analyses 11 bits and the sign (VZ), which means in this mode the resolution is by a factor 16 poorer than in velocity, direct mode:
Bit | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Contents | VZ | Velocity value | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Range of values: -7FFFhex to -10hex and +10hex to +7FFFhex (-32767dec to -16dec and +16dec to +32767dec)
Calculation of the velocity (in microsteps)
The stepper motor terminal converts the value contained in the output data word into a velocity according to the following formula.
In the operating modes velocity, with ramps and path control the maximum velocity specified through register RP0.R39 limits the motor speed.
1.1 | R = DataOUT / 32767 x f x 2047 / 262144 | DataOUT = R / f x 262144 x 32767 / 2047 |
Simplified formulas: | ||
1.2 | R = DataOUT x 3,812951 | DataOUT = R / 3,812951 |
1.3 | RFS = DataOUT x 3,812951 / MS | DataOUT = RFS x MS / 3,812951 |
1.4 | RPS = DataOUT x 3,812951 / (R33 x MS) | DataOUT = RPS x R33 x MS / 3,812951 |
Conversion to full steps / revolutions per second
2.1 | RFS = R / MS; RFS = R / 2R46 |
2.2 | RPS = RFS / R33 |
R | Velocity in microsteps | [R] = microsteps / s |
RFS | Velocity in full steps | [RFS] = Full steps / s |
RPS | Revolutions per second | [RPS] = N / s |
MS | Microsteps | MS = 2R46 |
f | Internal clock frequency | f = 16 MHz |
Value in register 33 | Number of full step motor steps per revolution | |
Value in register 46 | Number of steps/quarter period | |
Value in the output data word |
Calculation of the register values (Reg) for R38, R39, R40, R41, R50, R58
Minimum and maximum velocity
3.1 | Reg = R / f x 262144 | Velocity in MS / s |
3.2 | Reg = RFS x MS / f x 262144 | Velocity in FS / s |
Simplified formulas: | ||
3.3 | Reg = R x 0.016384 | Velocity in MS / s |
3.4 | Reg = RFS x MS x 0.016384 | Velocity in FS / s |
R | Velocity in microsteps | [R] = microsteps / s |
RFS | Velocity in full steps | [RFS] = Full steps / s |
RPS | Revolutions per second | [RPM] = N / s |
MS | Microsteps | MS = 2R46 |
f | Internal clock frequency | f = 16 MHz |
Reg | Register value R38 or R39 |
Maximum acceleration and acceleration threshold
4.1 | Reg = ∆R x 238 / f2 | Acceleration in MS/s2 |
4.2 | Reg = ∆RFS x MS x 238 / f2 | Acceleration in FS/s2 |
Simplified formulas: | ||
4.3 | Reg = ∆R x 1,073742 x 10-3 | Acceleration in MS/s2 |
4.4 | Reg = ∆RFS x MS x 1.073742 x 10-3 | Acceleration in FS/s2 |
Conversion to full steps
5.1 | ∆RFS = ∆R / MS |
∆R | Acceleration | [∆R] = microsteps / s2 |
∆RFS | Acceleration in full steps | [∆RFS] = Full steps / s2 |
MS | Microsteps | MS = 2R46 |
f | Internal clock frequency | f = 16 MHz |
Reg | Register value R40 or R41 |
amax | Maximum acceleration (RP0.R40) | [amax] = 1 |