"STM Position"

"STM Position" 1:

Position: Position setpoint.
Specify the position setpoint in increments.

Conversion from degrees (°) to increments: See below.

Conversion of position setpoints

The formula for converting a position setpoint from degrees (°) to increments depends on whether you are using an encoder.


"STM Position" 2:

Position: Setpoint [increments]

Θset: Setpoint [°]

φ: Step angle of the motor [°]
   (for AS10xx stepper motors: φ = 1.8 °)


"STM Position" 3:

Position: Setpoint [increments]

Θset: Setpoint [°]

PPR: Resolution of the encoder [increments/revolution]
     (for AS10xx stepper motors: inc = 1024)