Objects for parameterization
Index 8000: ENC Settings Ch.1
Access rights: read/write
Index | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
8000:08 | Disable filter | Deactivates the input filter. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8000:0A | Enable micro increments | Enables extrapolation of the "Counter value". The lower 8 bits of the counter value are extrapolated. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
8000:0E | Reversion of rotation | Inverts the counting direction of the encoder. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
Index 8010: STM Motor Settings Ch.1
Access rights: read/write
Index | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
8010:01 | Maximal current | The maximum current that the current controller outputs per motor winding. The maximum value that should be entered here is the nominal motor current. | mA | UINT | 1000dec |
8010:02 | Reduced current | Setpoint for the winding current when the motor is at standstill. | mA | UINT | 1000dec |
8010:03 | Nominal voltage | The DC link voltage UP | 1 mV | UINT | 50000dec |
8010:06 | Motor fullsteps | Number of full steps per motor revolution. | - | UINT | 200dec |
8010:07 | Encoder increments (4-fold) | Number of encoder increments per revolution with 4-fold evaluation. | - | UINT | 4096dec |
8010:09 | Start velocity | Maximum possible start velocity of the motor. |
| UINT | 0 |
8010:10 | Drive on delay time | Delay between enabling of the driver stage (variable "Enable") and setting the "Ready" status bit to 1. | ms | UINT | 100dec |
8010:11 | Drive off delay time | Delay between setting the "Ready" status bit to 0 and disabling the driver stage. | ms | UINT | 150dec |
Index 8012: STM Features Ch.1
Access rights: read/write
Subindex (hex) | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
01 | Operation mode |
0dec: Automatic | - | USINT | 0dec |
05 | Speed range | The maximum step frequency that EPP7041-x002 outputs. | Full steps / s | USINT | 1dec |
08 | Feedback type | Possible values: 0: "Encoder" | - | USINT | 1dec |
09 | Invert motor polarity | Reverses the direction of rotation of the motor. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
11 | Select info data 1 | This value determines the content of the variable "Info data 1" in the process data object "STM Synchron info data". Possible values: 0dec: Status word | - | USINT | 11hex |
19 | Select info data 2 | This value determines the content of the variable "Info data 2" in the process data object "STM Synchron info data". Possible values: see subindex 11 "Select info data 1" | - | USINT | 13dec |
30 | Invert digital input 1 | Invert digital input 1. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
31 | Invert digital input 2 | Invert digital input 2. | - | BOOL | FALSE |
32 | Function for input 1 | 0dec: Normal input (factory setting) | - | BOOL | FALSE |
36 | Function for input 2 | 0dec: Normal input (factory setting) | - | BOOL | FALSE |
3A | Function for output 1 | 0dec: Normal output | - | BOOL | FALSE |
Index 8013: STM Controller Settings 2 Ch.1
Access rights: read/write
Index | Name | Description | Unit | Data type | Default value |
8013:01 | Kp factor (velo./pos.) | Proportional component of the velocity controller / position controller. | 0.001 | UINT | 1000dec |
8013:02 | Ki factor (velo./pos.) | Integral component of the velocity controller / position controller. | 0.001 | UINT | 0 |
8013:03 | Inner window (velo./pos.) | Inner window of the integral component. | 1% | UINT | 0 |
8013:05 | Outer window (velo./pos.) | Outer window of the integral component. | 1% | UINT | 0 |
8013:06 | Filter cut off frequency (velo./pos.) | Filter limit frequency of the velocity controller / position controller. | 1 Hz | UINT | 0 |
8013:07 | Ka factor (velo./pos.) | Acceleration component of the velocity controller / position controller. | 0.001 | UINT | 0 |
8013:08 | Kd factor (velo./pos.) | Braking component of the velocity controller / position controller. | 0.001 | UINT | 0 |