Objects for parameterization
Index 8010, 8020 AI Settings Ch.n
- Index 8010 AI Settings Ch.1: Analog input at connection 1
- Index 8020 AI Settings Ch.2: Analog input at connection 2
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Data type | Flags | Default |
80n0:01 | Enable user scale | Enabling user scaling. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:06 | Enable filter | Enabling digital filter. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:07 | Enable limit 1 | Activate limit value monitoring for limit value 1. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:08 | Enable limit 2 | Activate limit value monitoring for limit value 2. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:0A | Enable user calibration | Enabling the user calibration. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:0B | Enable vendor calibration | Enabling vendor calibration. | BOOL | RW | TRUE |
80n0:0E | Swap limit bits | Invert comparison operation of the limit value monitoring. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:11 | User scale offset | Offset value for the user scaling. | INT16 | RW | 0 |
80n0:12 | User scale gain | Gain value for the user scaling. | INT32 | RW | 65536dec |
80n0:13 | Limit 1 | Limit value 1 of limit value monitoring. | INT16 | RW | 0 |
80n0:14 | Limit 2 | Limit value 2 of limit value monitoring. | INT16 | RW | 0 |
80n0:15 | Filter settings | Digital filter type. | UINT16 | RW | 2 |
80n0:17 | User calibration offset | Offset value for the user calibration. | INT16 | RW | 0 |
80n0:18 | User calibration gain | Gain value for the user calibration. | INT16 | RW | 16384dec |
Index 801D, 802D: AI Advanced Settings Ch.n
- 801Dhex AI Advanced Settings Ch.1: Analog input at connection 1
- 802Dhex AI Advanced Settings Ch.2: Analog input at connection 2
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Data type | Flags | Default |
80nD:11 | Input Type | Select measuring range. | UINT16 | RW | 2 |
80nD:12 | Scaler | UINT16 | RW | 0 | |
80nD:17 | Low Range Error | Lower error threshold. | INT32 | RW | -32768dec |
80nD:18 | High Range Error | Lower error threshold. | INT32 | RW | 32767dec |
Index 8030, 8040 AO Settings Ch.n
- Index 8030 AO Settings Ch.1: Analog output at connection 1
- Index 8040 AO Settings Ch.2: Analog output at connection 2
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Data type | Flags | Default |
80n0:01 | Enable user scale | Enabling user scaling. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:05 | Watchdog | Set the behavior of the watchdog. | BIT2 | RW | 0 |
80n0:07 | Enable user calibration | Enabling the user calibration. | BOOL | RW | FALSE |
80n0:08 | Enable vendor calibration | Enabling vendor calibration. | BOOL | RW | TRUE |
80n0:11 | User scale offset | Offset value for the user scaling. | INT16 | RW | 0 |
80n0:12 | User scale gain | Gain value for the user scaling. | INT32 | RW | 65535dec |
80n0:13 | Default output | Set the “Default watchdog value”. | INT16 | RW | 0 |
80n0:14 | Default output ramp | Set the rate of change of the output value for “Watchdog ramp”. | UINT16 | RW | 65535dec |
80n0:15 | User calibration offset | Set the offset value for the User synchronization. | INT16 | RW | 0 |
80n0:16 | User calibration gain | Set the gain value for the User synchronization. | INT16 | RW | 16384dec |
Index 803D, 804D AO Advanced Settings Ch.n
- Index 803D AO Advanced Settings Ch.1: Analog output at connection 1
- Index 804D AO Advanced Settings Ch.2: Analog output at connection 2
Index (hex) | Name | Description | Data type | Flags | Default |
80nD:11 | Output type | Set the Output signal range. | UINT16 | RW | 17dec |